Sunday, September 2, 2007


wow...quite a big rain today, hence it was quite cold in the LT just now during my subject lecture :-)...lucky i brought my jacket, while there were some who didn't were freezing in there..haha went to the cad lab after having a meal at design canteen to continue to do my group project with my besties r all having their hols, but not me, hence rejected some of the outings they ask me to go :-( ... has always been like this, didn't i hol, they got school, but when they hol (like now), then i got school..argh..haha...oh well, can't do anything about it...but really been yearning to have more gatherings with them...catch up like old times..haha..
didn't blog yesterday, as i was busy playing with my younger anyway yesterday just went out with bros, kai and bryan, went to had a meal then to BK, wa lao eh, got girl liao don't two timer la, kidding..haha..then went home after that and continued to played with my cousins, hide-and-seek, wahaha..oops..ok..haha..then after that watched TV, and went to sleep not long after...and thats about all for what happened for yesterday...02/09/2007...but guess thats all for today as well..haha...c ya... =D

Signing out... :-)

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