Wednesday, September 12, 2007

OH NO!!! :-(

Oh my...what a day it was, despite i did not went to k...earlier had lunch with bryan and tc...went to kopitiam and had jap food there...the food was ok but thought that there maybe other better jap food out elsewhere...then went to bryan's house and played x-box and WII...wee guy really has all the latest games in the world man...haha...x-box 360, PS3, PSP, WII, u name it, he got kid, that's why stay in condo...haha...was playing happily happily and enjoying myself so much while playing the baseball, tennis, and bowling in the WII...WII is actually played by moving the playing controller with the sensor sensing the movements of the controller, hence it is more fun as i can get to move myself just like in the real game...haha...but the sad thing happened when his house was too cramped (maybe too much stuff...) initially, i was playing bowling and was standing at a spot in the living room which i thought that the sensor may not be close enough and may not execute out my controller's movements as accurate as i had moved it (standing too far and not facing the sensor directly)...hence i changed my position to a nearer and more direct (facing the sensor) spot where i thought that i it would be better for me to play the game well in terms of the accurateness of the sensor in sensing my controller's actual movements...however before movig to the spot, bryan had already warned me and tc to be careful and not to hit the chandelia which was just above me in my "new spot"...and that he had also told me that it is unnecessary for me to swing my hand all the way up when releasing the ball (just like the real game in bowling), however, as i may had been too complacent back then and engrossed in continuing the bowling game (like to play WII games a lot due to the different way of using the controller), which i had been yearning to go and play it (the actual game in reality), but did not as some of my cliques were either too busy or did not know how to play, hence i did not really expect myself to hit the chandelia when i was going to releas the ball (in the game)...Nevertheless, as i was also too excited and did not control my force of releasing the ball in the bowling game, i had actually hit the chandelia accidentally with the controller which had sent one of the attached crystals rocketing away to a cushioned seat which was just beside the sofa(the sofa was behind me), the crystal was supposed to be attached to the chandelia by a chain or something, but now it is broken and that i also do not know whether the "crystal" could be fixed and attached back to the chandelia...i was super duper startled when i hit the chandelia with my controller...which bryan had already told me to be very careful and not to hit it which was just less than half a minute ago...and less than half a minute later...zzz...and since then bryan was giving me the "black" face throughout the other games played later... :-( really very sorry about it...really did not mean to spoil your chandelia...but it is just...i do not know...lost for words now... :-( really hope that it can be fixed back and that he would not be angry or was lucky that the crystal landed safely on a well-cushioned seat which was jst beside the sofa...if not, i would not dare to "imagine" what would happen to it (bad time to let my imagination run wild...for those of you who are the same group as me in the major group assignment for DesH&C)...however it was also not lucky enough for the crystal to loose itself off the chandelia (only really lucky if the crystal was not even going to be unattached off itself from the chandelia...) :-( ... oh my, someone please help me...really feeling so remorseful and regret appetite, no nothing...oh no... :-( now really scared that the chandelia could ot be fixed back... :-( what should i do now?? :-( urgh... feel like breaking down now...urgh... :-( well, guess that should be enogh for me today...if not...zzz...until the next long...

Signing out... :-(

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