Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Yay!! :-)

yay!!tomorrow going to Pulau Ubin with some of my besties to cycle..haha...really really looking forward to it, heard that it will be quite a big group, with most of them who are my ex-4E1 gang..haha... =D nonetheless, this is also the first time where i will be going to Pulau Ubin in my seventeen years of life!! anyway going to wake up quite early tommorow as we planning to meet at 7.30 at changi ferry terminal...bad to the furthermore most of the people will also be going to Pulau Ubin for their first time ever as well, hence i just thought that maybe could meet up at a common place where we all know like at the tampines interchange or something first before leaving for the destination as a group which in turn maybe better for most of the people, especially for those who maybe direction "idiots"(excluding me)...haha...oh well, no choice, since its fixed think it maybe quite impossible to change the plan right now, so only the best of luck to the others who are not that good in reading road signs and finding the correct directions...haha...(no offence arh...) :-) hence, tommorow is definitely going to be one my most adventurous days for today, watched a video on how graphics were used in both ways; promoting a campaign, addin pepper and salt to any conflicts, with only a common goal that is to persuade the reader about something and making them to think and see like what the designer of the graphics wants them to...then after that it ws the boring part of the class...lecture...ah...bored...haha...but then not long after got to watch another video, stillquite unsure of the title, but if i'm not wrong, should be something like "Chai Lai"?? the movie was in Thai, but as there were subtitles, i was able to comprehend what the actors in the movie were saying...quite an exciting, yet some sort of resemblance that of a comedy, hence felt quite hysterical when watching the movie as well...after that end of today's lecture, then went to had a meal at design canteen, had western, as i did not had any of it so far for this week, then now here i am after eating in the cad lab blogging, quite slacking also, as most of the work for the group poject has been completed, i think we may even be the first group to finish as compared to the rest in the class...haha...guess thats should be all about it for the till then..c ya.. =D

Vanishing away... :-)

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