Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bored... -_-lll ...

as usual, don't think that i will be going out again on either those who got camp went for their camp...or others are going overseas...but it always happen at the times where i am free...haiz...can't help i guess i will be suffering from boredom again, staying at home and having absolutely nothing up to to do nor to have fun with...but now that it is already the start of my two-week term break, guess i must really enjoy and cherish it, spending it fruitfully, before another new block starts where i have to face that lecturer again, and no doubts, it will bound to be as tough, or if not, even tougher than the first block where it was model-making much to write about nothing much had happened so far for the day for me...and thus i'm really super duper "bored"...haha...well, until next long... =D

Dozing off... :-)


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