Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh =D be continued from the previous wendy, angie, andrea, donson, dion, jake, and i went to the level 3 (03-10), one of the tutorial rooms and slacked there...haha...really as jake wanted to go anywhere, but just that as long as we are going to get out of TP first...he was moaning for most of the way throughout in the tutorial room while we were slacking the end was slacking peacefully there, but did know from who, when, pop out a "political" conversation...haha...quite intense by thw way (like almost going to blow out into a serious political conflict about the different countries in the world)...but actually it was regarding about the limited animation companies and firms in Singapore initially, where then it escalated into other more intense political angie, dion, and i were actually a bit atartled by "why is it that we are even talking about such things??" don't =D but then it cooled down and jake started to maan about getting out of TP and going somewhere else...haha...same goes for the others this time round as well...maybe they were also bored with the atmosphere there after "conflicting" about the political issues and there we deciede to head to TM where we then had a walk around...but with angie and andrea screaming loudly wherever they went, and in the bus also (talking so loudly) ps when all the other passengers were staring at us...haha...but as jake told me which i think is true and to adopt it, that is... "Get used to it"...haha...i agree...upon reaching TM, we then went to "TOY'R'US" and got a few ideas for our games (SA chalet),haha...then after that took a long time to get to "Food Culture"...which was actually at "Century Square", as jake was quite fickle-minded back then when it came to deciding on a suitable place to have our i think also must "Get used to it" got to "Food Culture", and i had a plate of chicken rice, with another extra plate of i was really hungry back the way...back then...donson had left on the way to TM with us from the interchange as he had to go and meet his other only left with jake, dion, angie, andrea, and i back then at "Food Culture" having our dinner there...after the was then "Thumbnail Blocks" time...haha...something similar as "Jenga"...but not...not with "Jenga" being smooth and had no carved in holes at each layer after its constructed...unlike "Thumbnail Blocks"...then jake had the idea of having a forfeit for every loser in every game played (loser= person who had the last touch of the block befre it falls), but when he himself is afraid of forfeiting unbelievable when he himself suggested the idea...but yet he is afraid of in the end got to played 4 rounds of "Thumbnail Blocks" and that lucky him, he did not got forfeited, but lucky for me as well, as i did not got forfeited as well...haha...nonetheless, out of the four games played, only dion, angie, and andrea got forfeited...haha...with andrea getting two forfeits out of the four quite tired and shag already...alright then...shall continue my "exciting" story tommorow i then...c ya =D

Zooming out... :-)

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