Tuesday, September 4, 2007

SINCITY 2030 = Singapore Cty 2030?...

Well, guess some of you would have been wondering what is my title about... whereas some of the people in my class must have already guessed what is it about...its actually about tutorial 3 which is actually to depict a 15-minute scene of a person living in this place called "SINCITY" in the year 2030...well, as it kinded of resembled the title of SINgapore CITY = SINCITY...just submitted it today...however, as I had find it quite interesting to depict such "futuristic" scenes, hence quite reluctant to stop when i had to upon reaching the estimated 15 minutes...and not anything more than that...haha... :-) feeling quite bored now, as now that would had already left me with only the final project for this entire module to finish, which is completed around 50% already i think??...so here i am, slacking and blogging...lol...wahahahaha...ooops....ok....haha....=D but again, today i had rejected two other outings with some of my besties who are having their hols now, but not me :-( oh well, no choice, can't change the calendar anyway, so also no point crying over spilt milk...lol...cim right??haha... :-) furthermore also already had my one-month hols earlier the semester already, during the second block...haha...so also no point moaning about it...haha...not literally, but more of figuratively...lol...too cim again...haha... :-)
but anyway, guess thats should be all for today as well..haha..so till next time...c ya... :-)

signing off... =D

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