Sunday, September 23, 2007

Turning 17!! haha... =D

wee pee!!'s finally the day which i had been waiting that i'm officially 17, feels great!!lol...haha...oh well, what a year it had been for me...there were ups and downs...haha...but most importantly, i will be looking forward to another great exciting year coming up for me!!oh yea!!haha... =D well, although today's the day, guess i will be staying at home stoning most of them will not be free today...haha...used to it already anyway...had always been like what matters is that i'm 17 now!!haha...again as usual on a normal school holiday, i slept till the "early" afternoon at around 12plus...then got to watch a bit of TV...before coming online and started to blog now...haha...but i guess i will be going to gym again later in the night i guess...haha...well, hope that it will be a fruitful and memorable upcoming year to come for me ahead...haha...well, guess that should be all for now...hence till next long folks... =D

Vanishing off... :-)

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