Wednesday, October 3, 2007

wee pee!! haha... =D

wee had been waiting for this day for like so exam results are released...haha...and i was quite pleased with least all my hard work and "sleepless nights" didn't go to today i went to school and i was suppose to met up with sh at the bus-stop...before moving on to the canteen to meet up with josephine and again, i had forgot to bring my hp out with, i didn't answer most of the calls from sh and wc (maybe regarding about where i am and how to met me, however, as i wanted to take a look at the time back then (in order to check whether i'm late or not, and that sh maybe at the canteen waiting for me already since i'm already late and that i didn't pick up most of her calls as my hp was not with me back, i took the lift up at the lobby to the concourse level...haha...this is so as i can then check the time by looking at the big time-clock which was just outside the library...haha...nonetheless, i got to meet up with wc and josephine coincidentally just outside the design entrance at the concourse was then i knew that wc had actually called me once to as well to check out where i again, i didn't pick up the call as my hp was not with me back then, i distributed out the "exploded axonometry" architectural drawings on one of the assignments on the "Pavillion Grill" that, wc, josephine and i then went to "The Designers' Canteen" to meet up with doing so, we all got our luch from the "Muslim Food" stall as the queue for the "Western Food" was so long like "nobody's business" our meal, sh and i then went to class as sh was quite eager to check her exam results, then leaving wc, josephine, you yi, and syaqina to continue their project work for one of their assignments in their "Architectural Rendering" class...haha...upon reaching the cad lab, i got an "unreasonable" and "great" fall...caused by the clamping of two chairs on me as i was trying to pass through to my "computer table" in my "Digital Architectural Drafting" got a scar on my right hand, and the right half of my butt hurt terribly as the impact was quite great..."just imagine something being clamped tightly and having its own balance overtaken by the great force of the clamping of two objects, then letting it drop itself onto the ground" falling, i then "limped" slowly to my seat with a "potential internal injury" at the right half of my then sat on my seat and switched on the computer and checked my results as a while, aida then came into the lab and saw some of the results of the other RHD not most of us minimized the window and didn't want to let her look at our results...haha...not long after, class's class was ok...except for the part where both of the USB ports in my computer happened to be unable to read my thumbdrive and i thus can't save my drawings in my have to save in the "U-Drive"...which i don't know what was it (i'm not quite a computer pro by the way...haha...), then submitted my drawings to aida...before being dismissed form the class...haha...but i'm still fraid that my drawings aren't saved at anywhere at all...then i may have to re-do everything i hate it the most when i have to re-do stuff...haha...argh...sickening and on the way home...we got to bump into wc who was sitting at the "mushroom" area...doing something knowing that, some of us went up front to comfort and consoled, cheer up alright??haha...hence sh and i then stayed back a while at the "mushroom" area and accompanied and consoled wc...haha...with the rest leaving for home sweet home a while, wc, sh, and i then took bus no. 69 and went to bedok interchange...upon reaching there...we went to "Long John Silvers' " and had our dinner there...however, only sh and i ate there, while wc was going to have her meal at home, as her mum had already cooked her share back at the meal, sh then took the MRT and went home from there...haha...whereas i accompanied wc back home by taking bus no. 38 with her...haha...she then got to alight first, while i alighted later at the bus-stop at "Simei MRT Station" it was then home sweet home for me...upon reaching home, i then got to have my shower and my "second dinner" at home...haha...then got to watch a litte bit of TV before coming online and where i started to blog now...haha...well...hope that it will be a better day for me and hopefully everyone with that, guess that should be all for the day as till next time...c ya folks...haha... =D

Vanishing off... :-)

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