Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Date With The Ants...... went to school again early in the morning...went outdoor to sketch trees and and a car for class many ants there that some even bit me as i sat there sketching!! itchy!!argh!!lol...and thats not all, after class went to sh's house to do the architectural rendering research project with paul and at there, i was scanning the pictures needed for the powerpoint slides for most of the time, and there they were again on sh's house telephone in her room on the computer some even climbed onto my hand and bit me as well...argh!!lol...go pick someone your own size!! had a busy afternoon doing the architectural rendering project at sh's house after school...then after that went to marina square with paul and sijia and had our dinner i got a new water bottle and a vest...haha...exhilarated after getting myself something as came home and had a shower and a little of TV, then came online now and started to still got some more work to do later, got to sketch 3 vehicles (rendering & drawess), 3 trees and 2 i'm gonna stay up late to work that i have no choice but to get used to it, as this maybe part and parcel of my life in the future if i'm gonna continue this in my career i guess that's all for the day, and i'm going to start doing my work till then...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

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