Thursday, October 11, 2007

lost for words......

well, today was an "OK" day for me...but i'm not sure how the day had been for the, for me, i basically woke up at around 9am in the morning, when i am supposed to wake up at 8.30am i really have to drag myself out of bed this time round...haha...and that i did not felt like coming to scholl that i wished that i could sleep longer at that point in time...however, i couldn't as i have to meet up with farhan and jialing in the morning at 10.30am in school to finalise the new idea for our, jialing and farhan then text me and claimed that they will be late as jialing's alarm clock didn't rang as set (according to haha...and that farhan was stuck in the bus in a traffic jam at TPE, as there was an acccident...oh...well, at least now i know that the day had not been a good one for someone lucky for me, as i was just going to step out of the house, i then received both SMSes from jialing and farhan...haha...nonetheless, i went back to the sofa and had a "short" nap for around half an hour...before deciding to leave for school to meet up with the both of them after i woke reaching school, i then met up jl an we then started to discuss about other new ideas for the that, we then went up to the cad lab and met up with vivian and the the lab, i helped wc a little with her "layering" for one of the "hands-on exercises" after a while, jl, vivian, and i then went to have our lunch at the design canteen...and it was another "secondary school day" for me this time round, i have to rush to finish eating my food, as we have to meet up with aida as planned on the previous day in fifteen minutes time back then...which was going to be at after our meal, we then went out to Level 4 at one of the benches outside the benches and met up with aida together with farhan as finally, the final idea was having to be confused halfway through during the aida had misunderstood one of the "concept" of our that, we then went up to the cad lab for our class at around 2pm, while leaving vivian behind at the the class, i then went to the desin canteen and got to meet up with wc paul and sh not long after sh and paul had finished their "dinner"...we then left for home sweet it was then where we got to meet up with josephine at the bus-stop, bus 69 came after that, and we then boarded the bus. leaving josephine alone at the bus-stop reaching the interchange, i then got to take bus no 38 with wc and she alighted the bus first not long i alighted at the bus-stop at "Simei MRT Station" there, i then started to walk back home...after reaching home, i then had my shower and dinner, and then had a little bit of TV...before coming online now and started to well...haha...guess that's should be all for the till the next post...c ya!! =D

Vanishing off... :-)

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