Tuesday, October 16, 2007


so my mum and i were supposedly going to meet up with my uncle at "Tampines MRT Station", however, as my mum mentioned that she actually needed to go to the new house and boil some water to serve my uncle later there first, hence she left first, and asked me to wait behind for my uncle and bring him to my new house, as he had never been there before...lol...haha...on our way there, it started to rain, and that thus i had to make several "unnecessary" and "BIG" turns in order to get to my new house without being drenched...lol...upon reaching my new house, my uncle got to repair my light in my room, fixed up one of the cabinets in my sister's room, and got to check out whether the TV is still "working" or not...haha...and that there were actuall ystill some stuff which were yet to be fixed, hence my mum had asked my uncle whether he could visit my new house and finish the rest of the stuff which needed to be done as soon as possible, as we will be going to shift to there soon...lol...after that, i then went to my grandpa's temple and prayed there...haha...and after that upon which i got to play with the dog there...lol...it really had been ages since i last visited the temple and got to play with the dog there...lol...haha...but it really was so fun...haha...good doggie...lol...haha... =D after that, i then went to my cousin's house at "Tanjong Katong", and i then got to watch one of the soccer matches there...haha..."England V.S. Estonia" for the "EURO CUP 2008"...lol...although it was not that exciting to watch...lol...but it was worth it after all and fun to catch up with my cousins like old times...such as getting to watch soccer together...haha...and after that...wahaha... =D lol...i got to play "MAHJONG"!!!!!!!lol...haha...had also been almost a "century" since i last touched the mahjong tiles...lol...and that it was so fun to be able to play mahjong with my cousins there...haha...talking about playing with the "professionals"...lol...haha...and after that, i got to play with their dog there as well...lol...i kind of like dogs a lot...haha...as they are seriously so "FUN" to play with...haha...and it had also been a long time since i last even got to "touch" their dog...lol...and not long after, it was then time for home sweet home...lol...although i felt quite reluctant to leave back then, as i was wondering when will i then get the chance again to spend the rest of my upcoming "Saturdays"...and having that much fun again as i am spending my time...lol...haha...so got to reach back home at around 12plus in the midnight, which was quite late already in fact...lol...haha...nevertheless, i then got to shower and tucked into bed after that...lol...as i was quite "worn-out" back then already as well...haha...and it was then the next day..."Sunday"...lol...haha...

well...as for "Sunday", i then got to meet up with jialing and farhan for the "Flip" competition at the "Tampines Regional Library" at around 2plus in the afternoon...lol...where which jl was late as she got to be part of a film which had just took place at her workplace earlier, and that she even got the chance to have a picture taken together with some of the "MediaCorp Artistes"...lol...haha...lucky her...haha...only work for that day and that they also just nice only went to film there on that day...lol...haha...so upon meeting up, we then went to the "MacDonald's" at the interchange (the one which is just next to KFC at the CPF Building)...lol...we then sat outside and started to finalise our ideas for the competition and upon which, we also had a "considered solid" brainstorming and discussion about the ideas for the competition...lol...and which lasted for about 5 whole hours...lol...and which when we ended our discussion, it was already at around 8pm at night...lol...we then felt hungry and decided to go to KFC which was just next to the "MacDonald's" to have our dinner there...lol...but then when we reached there, jl and farhan were going to ask for some KFC coupons there, as it would be more worthwhile then and not that expensive to have our meal there...lol...haha...however, due to jl's "embarrassing" act in front of one of the cashiers at KFC, we then ended up going to the "Food Culture" at "Century Square" and had our dinner there instead...lol...and in which jl's embarassing act, for those of you who are in my class, you may feel free to ask her what did she actually did which had actually made her felt embarrassed...and not to have our meal there...lol...and as for the rest...well, it was nothing much actually as well...lol...haha...so after our meal at "Food Culture", we then left for home sweet home...lol...and upon reaching home, i then got to have my shower and had a little of TV...before turning into bed after that...lol...as i was going to go to school the next day to meet up with jl and farhan to construct the mock-up model for our final idea for the "Flip" competition at around 11am outside the TP bookshop...lol...haha...so i then went to sleep...and upon which it was then the next day...lol..."Monday"...haha...but well, i guess it's quite a long post so far already...lol...so i think i shall stop here and continue my entries in the next ost then...haha...so till then...so long folks!! =D

Signing off... :-)

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