Wednesday, October 10, 2007 it comes again......

so it was another "boring" Saturday for me, luckily for me this time round, i was watching the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" video discs which i had borowed from sh on the previous day for the whole day long...haha...well, not really for the whole day long, but for most of the day...haha...and at least that it is able to cure my "boredom" sickness which i have been suffering for as usual on normal weekend "Saturdays" when i have nothing on, thus to stay at home and rot for thw whole was then so engrossed with the series film that i couldn't even bear for any "cliff-hangers" of the series film in my =D nonetheless, after finishing watching some of the "Part 1" video discs which i had borrowed form sh on the previous day, i then went to "Poh Kim" at ep in eager to borrow the rest of the episodes of the series video discs from the video discs rental secondly, this will cure my "boredom" sickness again thankfully for the next day, which is also as well as Sunday...haha...and as usual, another boring weekend Sunday for most of the time when i'm staying at home, and having nothing on to do as for me, the rest of the episodes of the series video discs was still available in the rental shop for rent at that point in, it was basically TV for me for almost the whole was the next day..."Sunday" "dreadful" day for me it has been "boredom" for me on these days when i'm staying at home and having nothing on to

so it was then Sunday...and i then got to continue to watch the rest of the continued episodes of the series film for almost the whole day, that was actually good enough, at least for me to cure my "boredom" sickness at home on a normal Sunday...haha...thus, it was apparently TV for almost the whole of Sunday for me again...haha...yee pee!! at least no more suffering from "boredom" for me for that was then off to bed for me as i will be having school for the next after watching the last video discs which i had wanted to watch for the day, it was then off to bed for me where i had a "sumptous"

and then, it was the next day for me...Monday...haha...i got to met up with shan at the bus-stop, and we then went to "Audi 2" together, where four of the courses in the school (which consists of fresmen only for that session) had a "Student-Comm" session with the school's Direstor, "Moses' was quite boring at the the "traditional" inspirational talk...and this time round...he gave us one word to motivate us as fellow designers of the the word was "EDGE"...and he was conveying the word to us with regards to motivate us...and it was to "Get On With The EDGE" then he showed us a video clip on a "four-finger" korean pianist...who had "Get On With The EDGE" in her life in order to motivate and encourage others as a pianist was quite "moving" in fact...and it was also the first time where i had witnessed tears windling in Moses's eyes...haha...and that his face was also quite "red" as the session, i then went with vivian, jialing, and farhan to meet up with aida about our finalised design for the "Flip Challenge 2007"...haha...and for the whole of this week, i have not been having my "lunche(s)" in no difference from fasting as that, we then went to class in the cad lab...and then it was home sweet home for me after class...haha...quite a tiring day for me on that it may be due to the fact that i did not have enough sleep on the previous day...haha...and then it was off to bed for me quite late i wanted to watch finish the last three episodes of the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" series, it was then off to bed for me at around 2 plus coming to 3am in the it was not a very "satisfied" sleep for me in terms of its duration for me to "recharge" i have to wake up early the next morning to meet up with vivian, jialing, and farhan again to discuss about our design for the "Flip Challenge 2007' it was the next

i woke up quite early at around 10 plus (with regards to what timei slept on the previous night) it was the "draggy" feeling again for me which i had been feeling when i was still in my secondary school i dragged myself up and got to have a shower and had my breakfast, then went to school and met up with vivian, together with jialing and farhan, whom i had met up with earlier in the bus...haha...such a then continued our discussion about our finalised design for the competition...and then met up with aida at around 1pm later to update and inform her about our progression so was then 2pm and it was off to class for jialing, farhan and then went for our at the cad lab again...and after class...we then met up with vivian, and we then went to "Techno" (coffee-shop), which was just opposite the school to have our dinner outside, and we could then continue to discuss, and finish our discussion on the design for the "Flip Challenge 2007" it we reached there at around 7plus pm in the we discussed on the design until around 9pm...before going back to school where it was "quieter" to construct the prototype model of our finalised design for the competition to scale, which aida wanted to see it on the next that as jialing, vivian, and farhan wanted to go back to school and use the toilet there...haha...while i had already emptied my bladder at the coffee-shop earlier just now...haha...upon reaching back at school, we carried on to construct our model for the finalised design to scale...and it was quite a mad session for us with farhan...haha...where it came to a part when it was quite deafening to jialing, vivian, and (so sudden and, we then finished constructing the model at around 10pm...before deciding that i shall take the access and leftover "styrofoam board" (to construct the model to scale) home...while jialing had "volunteered" to take the model home it was then home sweet home for us...and we decided to meet at 12.30 pm in te afternoon on the next day to "prepare" ourselves for the meet-up with aida later on in order to explain to her about our finalised design for the competition, and while by using the scaled model to do it upon reaching home, i then had my shower and this time round, it was off for bed for me at around 2plus am again in the i wanted to watch some of the "in-between" scenes as well as the episodes of the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" series film which i had not watched and thus, "lost-track" at some of the scenes while i was watching the whole series after that, it was then off to bed for me at around 2plus am again, and i had to wake up at around 10.30am on the next morning, it was another "unsatisfied" sleep for me as i did not have enough time to "rejuvenate" myself during my it was another "secondary school morning" for me on the next day again for me where i have to drag myself that terribly in order to get myself up from the bed "successfully" it was then Wednesday for me...haha...and which was today technically i guess it is quite a long post so far i think i shall continue my entry in the next post till next long folks!! =D

Zomming off... :-)

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