Sunday, September 30, 2007

cont'd... we then went to the reception of "Aloha Changi" which was at the other end of the entire "Aloha Changi", it was quite an exhausting walk there from the chalet all the way there...haha...and on the way...we walked pass by some of the abandoned buildings during the "World War II" on to these, were the "creepy" and old ("ulu ulu") surroundings...hence we were lucky that it was in the day where we walked pass there...haha...and one of which was the "Old Changi Hospital" was the first time i saw it, and that it was quite "new" from the outside, as the coat of paint still looked sort of "bright" in its light blue colour or i saw it from a distance...haha...but judging from some of the cracked windows, it was no doubt that it was an abandoned building after all...haha...and jake was so desperate to get into the place, like "die-die" also must go in and "see see here, see see there", of course, he did not got the majority of us to go into the we were supposed to be on our way to the reception counter and get the keys for the chalet first...haha...Coincidentally, we met up with aida and some of the lecturers at the reception when we reached there...haha...upon getting our keys, we were then on our way back to the chalet, and nonetheless, jake managed to "force" some of them in the group to accompany him into the "Old Changi Hospital" dion, jake, and donson and andrea (the two person who are the most inferior of went up the old and narrow staircase up into the hospital, while angie, wendy, jy, and i were waiting for them at the bus-stop which was just at the other side of the road...haha...not long after, we heard some screams from andrea i think...haha...before we saw andrea clinging on tightly to donson's arm and running down the staircase...haha...and with jake and dion taking their own sweet time strolling down the steps just after andrea and they joined back with us and we were then on our way back to the chalet...haha...when we reached the chalet, some of the other SAs had reached there was then when we could not anticipate any longer and thus we went to "explore" the interior of the chalet...haha...and oh was so huge and enormous both storeys (level 1 and 2), were around the combination of 4 or 5 five-room HDB apartment guess how much we booked the whole of it for 2 days and 1 night was only for $ was then where we started to have fun in the playing the got out for a stroll at "Kelong Walk" after that...haha...but there were so many ants and mosquitoes there...haha...hence we walked back to the chalet again only for about 20 minutes or so after leaving there for the then, most of the SAs had reached the chalet already, but the caterrer with the bbq food and the food ICs have not reached, by having no food since our lunch, our grumbling stomachs had initiated us to cook ourselves in the kitchen first with the eggs we have there which andrea had brought along with her earlier, together with all her "Barang Barang", the bbq food caterer and the food ICs had reached the chalet not long after we had some eggs to cease the grumbling of our stomachs temporarily it was then three cheers to our food as it was raining again quite heavily, we could not have, jy, and i then went outside to have some fried beehoon first, with angie and andrea outside the kitchen sheltered-area, trying to figure out how to have the bbq under the long after we had our beehoon, we then went back outside to take a look at how's the bbq going on...good enough, they managed to start a bbq under the shelter by using the aluminium containers as the pit for the charcoal and the fire, we then started to have our bbq...and i was the best bbq chef of all for the think that my salmon were the nicest of all compared to the rest which were cooked by the other the bbq, it was then off to "WATER BOMBING" time which we had prepared earlier in the kitchen after coming back from the reception best part of all in the entire chalet...haha...nonetheless, we were all wet except for someone, whom was wet as well eventually...haha...we were then all freezing cold with all our wet clothes on, and when the weather was still quite chill after the for some of us, including me myself, who wanted to have a second round again, then started to have our own "Sentosa Musical Fountain" the idea started from donson by poking small holes into the water bombs, and then squeezing it upwards, allwoing the water to escalate up into the air with all the various patterns and effects caused by the combination of the "orangy-light" behind from the lampost together with the water sprayed then, we were the most wet of all and that donson even had mist coming up of his mouth when he started to talk...haha...we then had our shower and started to slack on the second level, were some of us were eventally starting to doze off...haha...while those who were still awake, like me again, haha...played some games such as "Heart Attack" and "Bridge", haha...but eventually, i felt bored at the end again and went to sleep in the room with 3 single beds, with donson and were tired and wanted to sleep evenually as was then the next day where some of the SAs who had not sleep yet went back home early in the morning to get their sleeping time back...haha...whereas we woke up and started to pack up and wash up, before we leave and check-out of the was then 10.30 where the cleaners came and check the chalet, where after that we then left the chalet for home sweet home...haha...upon reaching home...i then went to had a shower and went to my room to get back my remaining sleeping time when i woke up, i then came online and started to i guess that's about it for the chalet...haha...quite a long post i think i shall update the rest of my daily updates in the next post...haha...hence until next time...c ya... =D

Signing out... :-)

Saturday, September 29, 2007


so upon reaching the chalet, it was later we then knew that we have to stay outside of the chalet even if we reached there early, in order to set up the games stations up for the other fellow SAs to play and have when jy poped out the question in the van earlier to angie, angie then replied back to jy, "err, ya...hahahahaha...", hence we then slacked and stoned outside the chalet, waitng for andrea to arrive as well...haha...during then, it was a load of crap and jokes and fun we had in our group...haha...andrea then arrived after that with the most "Barang Barang" with her out of everyone in the group...haha...(trust me, i understand how it, after that, we then continued to plan for the arrangement of the station games and the station masters, and to familiarise ourselves with the environment there, and not to be confused with our duties later...haha...but then at the same time, we had crapped and joked a little as well...haha...anyway, it's going to be our fun that, we then knew that aida will be coming to the chalet, together with moses, to check in to the chalet, and get the keys for the chalet for us as well...haha...we were all then, "oh my, that he sure come and talk talk talk again one lor", aida was only going to collect the keys at around 1pm instead of when andrea had told everyone to be at the chalet by addition to that, like what i had mentioned earlier, we could not check in yet even if we were to collect our keys at around 1pm, as they could only allow us in at 3pm instead, according to the cleaner there who was tidying up the place after the previous group of people who had lived in the chalet checked that would have already taken up half of the day, and that we would not have a full one day of fun in the sis wants to sleep i shall stop here and continue the story in my next entry again...=D till then...c ya =D

Zooming out... :-)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wee pee! lol... :-)

oh much things had actually happened when i'm just off for one day...haha...alright...but let's address the main topic which one always does when it comes to bloggoing...haha...oh yea what a crazy, fun and memorable time i had at the SA chalet with my fellow SAs it is especially so for people, like angie, andrea, dion, jake, wendy, donson, and i got to wake up early in the morning yesterday at around 7plus (by right, i should have woke up at 6am!!lol...haha...but due to the fact that i had turned in late the previous night, which was at around 1plus coming to 2am...nevertheless, i had arrived late at the meeting venue...haha...), lol...haha...the meeting place was initially at "Kovan" MRT Station again instead...haha...however, they had changed the meeting place to somewhere near Wendy's house in the end, which would in turn be more convenient for her mother to fetch us from there to "Fairy Point Chalet 7" at "Aloha Changi"...haha...and then when the other SAs who were supposed to be there (the meeting place; "Compass Point") by that time, wendy's mum then led her and rest of us to her red "van"...haha...fortunately, the van was spacious enough to accomodate donson, angie, dion, and i...however, during our journey to the chalet, JY had actually called wendy, in order to ask her whether she could fetch him from "Tampines" (at least i'm not the latest one there to the chalet, since he was already so late, and that he was still at "Tampines" when we had already left without him from the meeting venue...haha...on the way, as wendy was explaing to jy whether he could meet us at somewhere which was on the way with regards to where the van was heading to, in order to get to our destination...and i should had applauded for wendy's "patience", for rephrasing her sentences into simpler, but longer ones, in order to convey the message across to JY, and not to get him lost in somewhere in "Tampines"...haha...quite a funny one for wendy's when she was explaining to her client on her mobile phone while driving us there...the client was speaking too fast that wendy's mum had misinterpreted and mistook some of the words for another "hysterical" meaning...haha...e.g. in chinese...(really apologies to those who can't understand mandarin...) correct and supposed meaning: "ni yao wo zhuang shiu ni de 'si ren wu' arh?" 'si ren wu'="private apartment"...Wrong and "hysterical" meaning: "ni yao wo zhuang shiu ni de 'si ren wu' arh?" 'si ren wu'="house for the dead" so, we were then all trying to control our irresistible laughters at the back seat of the order not to be rude to wendy's mother...haha...after all, she's the one who would be fetching us together with all our chalet "Barang Barang" there...hence, we should be grateful of that as the post is quite long for now already...hence i shall continue it in the next entry...haha...c ya... =D

Zooming off... :-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

it's ok la...but... :-)

well, it was ok for today, in terms of the things i did and the places i went to least not to stone nor to rot at home due to today got to drag myself up hard from my bed and got out of my house at around 10am...then went to dion's house to finalise everything for the SA chalet which is coming up his house was at "Kovan" to wake up earlier than the others who were staying nearer to his i'm staying at "Simei", which takes around one hour to get there (from "Simei" MRT Station to "Kovan" MRT Station...haha...), so got to wake up earlier than some of the other cj=hoice...can't help it if i'm staying further than upon reaching "Kovan" MRT Station, i got to meet up with the rest of the SAs and took an approximate 15mins walk from there to dion's it was quite a harsh weather just now, we were all sweating during the walk back to dion's house...haha...after that, we reached dion's "terrace house" many storeys...haha...)and then we slacked there for about an hour or so and started our final discussion for the SA chalet...haha...then as JY have to go hm not long after, we then ccompanied him as well, as we were on our way to "Heartland Mall", accompanying dion there to draw money and get to order a "home delivery" from "MacDonald's"...haha...then we began another "strenous" walk back to dion's house again...haha...again as usual under the blazing Sun...we sweat like we had never sweat that much upon reaching back at dion's house again...dion got to call the "MacDonald's" home delivery hotline, and ordered our "MacDonald's" lunch from there...haha...after that...we got to wait for around 30mins or so before the delivery man arrived with our food...haha...and during the wait, we got to watch "Clifford-The Big Red Dog", on "Kids Central", haha...not that we were beng lame or lack of childhood memories, but that dion's house was quite boring, without any games to play nor to entertain the guests, other than a pile of "Wrestling Cards" back to the food, as most of us were starving back then already, we thus "devoured" the food when it arrived...haha...Nevertheless, we felt quite full and restless after that...haha...then got to finalise everything about the SA chalet for tomorrow after our meal...haha...not long after, two of dion's friends came to his house and they started to play some electronic guitars...haha...while leaving me, angie, and wendy watching some "Japanese band", forgotten whether it was "Kat-Tun", or "Kak Tun" whichever it was, i think it may be better if dion were to get a few tips of how to entertain his guests better?lol...haha...i don't's just a suggestion...haha...thn we got to leave dion's house for home sweet home not long after...for angie and wendy, it was quite a short and hence a fast journey home for them...however for have to travel back from "Kovan" MRT Station to "Simei" MRT Station the journey had took up for around one hour or so...before i reached "Simei" MRT Station...and walked back for home sweet home form got to borrow two movie discs again to watch at home, just in case i feel bored reaching home, i got to have a shower and watched a little TV, before coming online and started to blog i guess i will be gyming later again...haha...alright, i guss that should be all for the till then...c ya =D

Vanishing off :-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

urgh... :-)

well...feels great so far to be nothing's quite been happening lately though...hey!next time can let me know first before u put it up? got to wake up at around 1plus again this afternoon...then got to watch a little bit of TV and had my lunch after that...before coming online now not long after that and started to guess i willl be gyming later again...haha...well for yesterday, although not as sumptous as i would had thought, but i had quite a feast yesterday for my dinner at mum...really thanks a went to "Seoul Garden" and had a feast there as well for the same occasion last year...but however this year, as somethings had happened, hence my religion and culture forbids me to have too grand a feast on occasions such as yesterday...haha...however, i still had enjoyed myself during the feast yesterday for my dinner, where my mum bought me chilli crabs, fried butter prawns, chicken wings and stuff, and i thus had a great meal out of, although yesterday was not as exciting as i imagined it would be...but it was still ok, especially with the feast takeaway which my mum bought for me yesterday for my, guess there maybe a more memorable one for me next year or then, and with that...guess that shuold be it so far for the, till next time...c ya... =D

Zomming out... :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Turning 17!! haha... =D

wee pee!!'s finally the day which i had been waiting that i'm officially 17, feels great!!lol...haha...oh well, what a year it had been for me...there were ups and downs...haha...but most importantly, i will be looking forward to another great exciting year coming up for me!!oh yea!!haha... =D well, although today's the day, guess i will be staying at home stoning most of them will not be free today...haha...used to it already anyway...had always been like what matters is that i'm 17 now!!haha...again as usual on a normal school holiday, i slept till the "early" afternoon at around 12plus...then got to watch a bit of TV...before coming online and started to blog now...haha...but i guess i will be going to gym again later in the night i guess...haha...well, hope that it will be a fruitful and memorable upcoming year to come for me ahead...haha...well, guess that should be all for now...hence till next long folks... =D

Vanishing off... :-)

bored again...

well, as for today, nothing much happened...just helped my uncle to shift his refrigerator from Simei to Ang Mo to take the "back seat" of the lorry just's so shiok...haha...can get to enjoy the real "breezes" of the moving it was quite we needed to climb up stairs at Ang Mo Kio (there were no lifts at every floor; quite an old flat in fact) climbed up and got to look at one of a kind "old apartments" after that got to take the "back seat" of the lorry again during the journey back to Simei...haha...however as it was quite humid and a harsh weather just now, it was more uncomfortable sitting at the back without any food nor drink...and to think that my uncle and his friends could actually talk and talk and talk in the air-conditioned front seats in the lorry, that they eventually just went the wrong way two having me behind feeling "lost" (why make one big round from PIE to CTE then from CTE to PIE for nothing??, hence and having me to get barbecued at the same!! time don't so careless and be cautious that there is still someone at the back seat thank, upon reaching home sweet home, got to take a shower and had my dinner...until now, where i came online and started going to gym with bryan later again...haha...alright, i think that should be about it for today...haha...thus till next time...take care and so long folks... =D

Signing off... :-)

Friday, September 21, 2007

uh oh!!

oh well, guess i didn't blog yesterday i was too exhausted by the load of "programmes"which were up for me yesterday...first stop, got to meet up with the other SAs and went to fairy point chalet 7 at Aloha Changi yesterday at around 1plus...supposed to met up at 11am...but apparently aome of them were took bus 29 there to the "ulu" (deserted) place...we took bus no. 29 and dropped off at Cranwell Road, we then began to walk to the chalet through a deserted and quite "old" and "abandoned" road (one could even feel so iduring broad daylight under the blazing and scorching Sun...seriously can't imagine what it would really be like in the actual "night" and "dark" atmosphere...creeps...), then as some of us knew what happened there in the "past", we took note of the lightings and lamposts there even in the broad daylight during our walk to the chalet...there were literally onli a few lamposts there along the way, and which were also quite far apart from each other between each lamposts...hence we then started to imagine it in the dark...nonetheless, some of the female SAs got shocked...but as for me...i could already felt the creeps during the walk even without imagining it in the dark, just by looking at its surroundings and the type of abandoned buildings there...and it was awfully quiet that one could hear a pin drop there even in the day where it is suppose to noisy instead, however as the chalets were all quite "isolated" from the main road and the destrict there, hence it is also quiet in the day as well...(i don't know's not that i'm being pessimistic nor negative nor something...i just felt that something was wrong with the chalet we booked)...when i first looked at it...i don't know, i could felt that something was wrong, i don't know...just...but i don't know how to put it in words...but it's just not a very positive feeling...and furthermore, the chalet we booked was actually just next to the sea...and that the whole seacoast line stretches from the back of our chalet to the other far end...which is may know what i'm referring to the exploring of the place (to plan the type of games which we may adopt to play there...), as jake felt hungry after that, we then walked back to "Changi Beach Club", and "thought that we could have a meal at the restaurant or somewhere there...however, the food there was far too expensive and thus we gave it a miss...andrea then had sort of a "tiff" with the receptionist there about the $3 entrance fee each person needs to pay in order to enter the place...haha...well done and thanks andrea for getting our money we then took the money and split into 2 sums and distributed it to 2 groups of SAs, as we were intending to split up into 3-4 conbination (2 groups) to take a cab to Changi Airport and have our meal there instead (too exhausted to wlk to the bus-stop to take the, nevertheless, it was quite a harsh and humid weather yesterday as Changi Airport, we then went to the food court just below Terminal 1 and had our meal there...after that, we then went to the "MacDonald's" at Terminal 2 and sat down at a table, where we then began our discussion about the games for the chalet, after travelling there from Termainal 1 by the "Skytrain" and dion were not concentrating and taking the discussion seriously and hence they joked around consistently, making some of us to keep on laughing and unable to be serious in the discussion as well...haha...nonetheless, the OIC, andrea, was frustrated and kept on shouting at Jake and Dion to stop it continuously there, then it was so loud that all the other diners there were all looking at some even gave us the "You all very extra lei, can stop it ant, very noisy lei, there are people studying here one lei...", lol...thus, we all stop laughing and started to focus on the main topic...which then lasted for about 1 hour plus...before we arrived at somewhere with something at the very least...haha...not long after, as some of us have to go home for dinner and stuff, while others were already totally exhausted, we then decided to head back for home sweet reaching home, i then had my dinner and watched a little bit of TV, before going to gym again...haha...then went to had supper after that at kopitiam which was nearby there...and then went back to "Simei Green", and had a chat or so with ed...woof...another tiring day again for yestrerday...but got to recharge this morning after waking up from a not quite...whereas i didn't had enough sleep again this morning, as i was suppose to go to gym with Bryan at around 9plus in the morning earlier just now...however, he had overslept i guess, as he was too shag as well the previous day after coming back from depicted by his eldest brother in the gym yesterday, when i was there gyming as least today finally it won't be that bored for i will be going to the airport to fetch my aunt who will be coming back to Singapore from China for a holiday recently later!!yee pee!! =D lol...haha...and that tc will also be back from Beijing as well this then going to gym later in the night again with well...guess that's all for both yesterday and long post again...haha...oh well, until the next long... =D

Signing out... :-)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Free as usual... :-) for today...i was suppose to met up with wc and sh to go to the national museum for an exihibition launch for the CDL sculpture competition 2007...however as i was going to be on my way out to met up with wc and sh first (bathed and changed, everything is in order to go, i noticed that there was a missed call from wc, so i called her back...wanting to ask her that what was it regarding about that she had called me...but the message she sent me kind of hold me aback...saying that sh and her would not be attending the function already...hence wc told me that the CDL exhibition launch actually requires the visitors there to be dressed in the business (working) attire, which was actually stated in the invitation card, however apparently, the dress code for the exhibition launch was stated at the corner of the third page of the invitation card...nevertheless, we overlooked it...lucky for me, i have my own business attire at home, and that i can change into it and attend the exhibition launch without any problem on the dress code...however, some of the others did not have their own business attire, and thus they decided not to go to the museum in the end...nonetheless, as most of the others would not be going, thus i decided not to go as like sh told me, i agreed with her where the organizing committee would not just dump away our certificates just like that, but they may be keeping and holding onto it for us first, and that they may most probably give those who did not went to attend the exhibition launch earlier just now a call or a mail or something to inform us regardind about the details of when and how to collect back our certificates...oh harm waiting till then to collect back my certificate got changed back into my home clothes and stayed at home for the whole day again as usual...however, this time round, i was smart enough to borrow another video disc from the similar disc rental shop order not to feel that bored again, while having nothing to do at time round...i borrowed X-Men 2...haha...the movie was ok...but anyway, i don't think i can give any comments about the movie currently, as i have not watch finish so far after finishing watching the first disc (part, it was ok...but i just felt that the storyline could be developed and enhanced further (as a viewer of the movie...instead of a professional director nor haha...then got to have my dinner at home and then watched the TV for a while...until i came online now...and started to blog (actually, truth is i have been online since just now after i changed back into my home clothes, after deciding that i will not be going to the exhibition it's just that as i was watching the movie, "X-Men 2, and the TV later...hence i was not "active" on the, i continue to watch the movie, "X-Men 2", (disc 2; later...haha...and going to gym again if it is possible?lol...oh well...guess that should be all for until next time...c ya... =D

Vanishing away... :-) =D

oh well, to be continued from the previous angie, andrea, jake, dion and i were playing the thumbnail blocks and that there will be a forfeit for every loser in every game played...and that angie had actually decided to record all the forfeit "demonstrations" by the losers in every game played, and to select the best to post it on in the first game, jake lost and the forfeit was to sit on a "dining table" for 5seconds and to pose for a picture to be taken by embarassing when everybody in the food court were looking at us and interpreting at what were we doing (but most of them were actually looking at jake compared to the rest of us) in the second game, angie lost and the forfeit was to go out to "another side" of the foodcourt (separated by a glass pane from our side; so we can see what was she doing outside)haha...and then she was to stand there and pose for the camera for 10 seconds this time round...haha...(for your information, the forfeits would get more and more challenging and hence maybe more "embarrassing" the game some of you could not tell the difference by now, but i am very sure that you would be able to do so at the end of, again as usual, all the attention in the food court was suddenly focused on her during the "photoshoot" coming to the third game, andrea then started to lose consequtively in this game and in the next one as andrea...for the third game, the forfeit was actually suppose to go to "another side" of the foodcourt again and do one of the "TP FOC" dance for 30 seconds this time round(um chi chi um chi um chi chi tuki tuki tuki tuki...for those of you in TP would have known what i am referring comes the ultra super duper "Daring", "Bold", and "Very Embarrassing" forfeit i had ever seen in my seventeen years of life (to me; in my own point of view) at first we were thinking that the last game which was the fourth game was going to be the longest of all, as everyone do not wish to be forfeited...haha...however, instead it was the fastest, shortest, and totally unpredictable (in terms of the duration to play the last game) game played out of all the fourth time round the forfeit was to, "scream and run along the way from where we were seating (at the very end of the foodcourt) to the entrance of the food court!!lol...haha...and this time round, we were very sure that the video took fir this forfeit would definitely be the best of all, as it is realy the most "Dramatic" of =D so this time round, angie went to a corner and sat at the other table in order to get a better view of the "Dramatic" moment...haha...however, as it was even more dramatic than the rest of us had imagined...angie was shaking while holding onto the camera which was filming down the "Dramatic" guessed it, angie, in fact not even her (the rest of us; excluding the one doing the "Dramatic" act) were all laughing our "stomachs" was really so funny that i think that it maybe had one of the times where i had laughed for the longest and loudest of all uncontrollably since when i was =D as what made it more "Dramatic" and unpredictable which caused us to laugh like that was actually, as the forfeit was just to scream and run along the way to the entrance, and "run" back, instead, what andrea did was to sway her hands high up in the air (like in a get her rhythm for her screaming i guess...haha...), and screamed to the beat of her hands, and running really "slow-motion" throughout...wahahahahahahahahaha...(i am ready starting to laugh =D), hence, all these really made the forfeit even more dramatic (seriously like in the, with the swaying of her hands (added by herself) and the running part all in the forfeit was only for her to do so until the entrance of the food-court...but she actually did it all the way to and fro (back to our table) we were all already numbed and weak (laughed too much uncontrollably; pain stomach and "unsteady" legs...haha...) after laughing that much ever before...then it really took us quite a while to settle down...before we go (ensure that our legs are "steady" =D), we then decided to leave about 20 minutes later (not exaggerating; but that we are really still laughing even when andrea was back at the the still "shaking" legs were still, however when coming to just th first escalator only (going down; leaving the place for home), jake's legs were still shaking i guessed...and hence he accidentally got a small portion of the lower part of his left leg scratched by the one of the sharp edges of the, don't need to be so "High" already...time to, i then went to the toilet, where jake took a seat at one of the tables just outside "Food Junction" where andrea and angie assisted to dress his wound...after that...we then continued our way for home sweet home, but poor jake, he was still limping on one leg as he walked later (maybe is still due to the cut he had earlier)...but after that we then went to the taxi stand and waited with andrea for her dad to fetch her back home first...quite a long wait though...then as we were sitting at the taxi-stand while waiting for andrea's dad to fetch her home, some of the passengers took us as that we were waiting for a taxi instead, but not...hence some had waited and queued behind us for a's dad then came and we bid farewell to her...then jake, dion, angie and i went to the MRT station and we took MRT back home...where angie would be going to City Hall MRT station and transfer to the red line to Toa Payoh, while dion will be going to bugis to have a mini gathering with his secondary school friends or so first....before going home...while me as usual, i have always been the earliest to alight the train first as it was only one stop for me from Tampines MRT station to Simei Mrt was then home sweet home for me where i had a shower and went online after that and started to it was all thats all and quite a long post for yesterday till the nest long... =D

Signing out... :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh =D be continued from the previous wendy, angie, andrea, donson, dion, jake, and i went to the level 3 (03-10), one of the tutorial rooms and slacked there...haha...really as jake wanted to go anywhere, but just that as long as we are going to get out of TP first...he was moaning for most of the way throughout in the tutorial room while we were slacking the end was slacking peacefully there, but did know from who, when, pop out a "political" conversation...haha...quite intense by thw way (like almost going to blow out into a serious political conflict about the different countries in the world)...but actually it was regarding about the limited animation companies and firms in Singapore initially, where then it escalated into other more intense political angie, dion, and i were actually a bit atartled by "why is it that we are even talking about such things??" don't =D but then it cooled down and jake started to maan about getting out of TP and going somewhere else...haha...same goes for the others this time round as well...maybe they were also bored with the atmosphere there after "conflicting" about the political issues and there we deciede to head to TM where we then had a walk around...but with angie and andrea screaming loudly wherever they went, and in the bus also (talking so loudly) ps when all the other passengers were staring at us...haha...but as jake told me which i think is true and to adopt it, that is... "Get used to it"...haha...i agree...upon reaching TM, we then went to "TOY'R'US" and got a few ideas for our games (SA chalet),haha...then after that took a long time to get to "Food Culture"...which was actually at "Century Square", as jake was quite fickle-minded back then when it came to deciding on a suitable place to have our i think also must "Get used to it" got to "Food Culture", and i had a plate of chicken rice, with another extra plate of i was really hungry back the way...back then...donson had left on the way to TM with us from the interchange as he had to go and meet his other only left with jake, dion, angie, andrea, and i back then at "Food Culture" having our dinner there...after the was then "Thumbnail Blocks" time...haha...something similar as "Jenga"...but not...not with "Jenga" being smooth and had no carved in holes at each layer after its constructed...unlike "Thumbnail Blocks"...then jake had the idea of having a forfeit for every loser in every game played (loser= person who had the last touch of the block befre it falls), but when he himself is afraid of forfeiting unbelievable when he himself suggested the idea...but yet he is afraid of in the end got to played 4 rounds of "Thumbnail Blocks" and that lucky him, he did not got forfeited, but lucky for me as well, as i did not got forfeited as well...haha...nonetheless, out of the four games played, only dion, angie, and andrea got forfeited...haha...with andrea getting two forfeits out of the four quite tired and shag already...alright then...shall continue my "exciting" story tommorow i then...c ya =D

Zooming out... :-)


well actually, there were still some more things which i wanted to mention in my blog for yesterday's entry...that is i actuall went to gym with damian at about 10 plus (supposed to be 9plus...but due to the fact that i was, after the gym, we then went out to one of the benches which was just outside the gym and chit-chatted...actually i was feeling a bit tired back then already (as i still went to edwin's house just now earlier in the day), but then still just had a talk or so...before bryan showed up coincidentally as he was on his way home feeling quite shag as well...crazy guy...haha...if you want to sun-tan doesn't mean that you must go and swim the end having not to been swimming for such a long time already, then when you suddenly go and swim like that everyday...of course it will be exhausting for bryan showed up quite restlessly and damian went off not long after as he still had work continue to talk with bryan...and this time round...almost terrified by the presence of a "drunkard" who was sitting just beside me (bryan)....haha...he drank the "forget the name" drink which contained around 0.5% was in a green can...if some of you may know what is the drink...but he was apparently asking me all the "..." questions...and expressing sentences verbally which had not gone through the brain at all...haha...but not sure whether it was the sun-tan or the alcohol in the can of drink (which i hope is not from the can of, his face was so red, as though it was a fresh tomato ready to be harvested by the =D but again, i talked while he crapped until around 12.40am again...just like the other day...Sunday?haha...but this time round my mum gave me a call and asked me why was it that i was not back home yet at such a late i told her that i will be going to school the next day to attend a grooming course for the SAs, and that i will be waking up quite early the next morning...but apparently, of course i did not went back home immediately and took my own sweet time to stroll back from the gym back to reached home at around 1am and had a shower...then tucked in at around 1.30am...when i am supposed to wake up at 7am tommorow morning (which maybe a difficulty for i had been waking up quite late in the afternoons for the past few holidays...and that i am tucking in late with regards to the time i need to wake up the next that's all for yesterday...

And so to wake up at 7.30am...despite that i woke up late in the morning already...i still took my own sweet time to shower...haha...nonetheless...was really going to be late for the grooming course which was going to start at 9am...but when i am still at home at around i had no choice but to take a cab again to school to avoid from being late (can't afford to be late, especially for any SA occasion...), then hopped onto a cab which was literally at the road when i was going to hail one (so saved time from waiting for a cab...haha...), then was on my way to school...the grooming course was actually in the ComDI room (for those of you in the same school as me would have know)...lucky that i was not late...whereas i was one of the earliest to arrive with three other SAa...haha... :-) then it was then grooming session time where the trainer started heer quite a number of chances to demonstrate "role-plays" (demonstration;, quite fun that ireally know how to look better...but it's all within my own attitude towards it...haha...then got to know that the "Image Consultant" industry is actually starting expand in Singapore...where one can earn up to $300 for a session per, i then had no doubts that most of the "Image Consultants" in Singapore must be filthy then it kind of get boring as it the sssion went by...but luckily that there were a couple of breaks at intervals during the session...inncluding an one-hour luch break at about then the guys got to leave first at around 4.30pm (the session was suppose to end and that the SAs to be dismissed at 5pm), as the last part of the session was going to be involved with the "Girls Only"...i guessed it...haha...of course, it's none other than "Make-Up" the guys got to leave first...but then as angie, andrea, and wendy did not prefer to wear make-up (they hated make-up in, they came along with me, jake, dion, and donson...haha...ok...quite a long post already...shall continue in my next post... =D

Zooming off... :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


oh well...guess nothing much had happened today as well...haha...but again, got to wake up quite late today around 11plus going to 12 noon...however initially, i thought that if it would not had been for that call, i would have a better sleep until 1 plus in the afternoon...all thanks to somebody (you know who you are...haha...just =D)...but anyway...woke up and got to watch "Sky High" again...haha...must be thinking that i am reallr bored enough to have watched the same movie twice...actually, it is thrice (including the actual movie in the cinemas earlier itself...haha...), but truth is...i'm really no choice...haha...moreover, since i have the disc now (rented it where the due date is not up yet), guess it would not matter and that i should watch it again until the due date is up before returning back to the rental shop... =D however after that, went to edwin's house and slacked there with him...haha...although it was also slacking and a bit bored there as well, but i think it that at least it would not had been as worse as one person slacking at home doing nothing as, went to his house at around 3plus then came home at around 6plus in the evening...then had my dinner and watched the TV until now...where i came online and started blogging...haha...but will be going to the gym again that's all for today...till then...c ya =D

Zooming off... :-)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh Yeah!! :-)

wow...did not blog yesterday for yesterday...which was 16/09/2007, i woke up late again (as usual on Sunday, as i had been watching the Honk Kong police show in "Cantonese" to the wee hours again the previous as to wake up late yesterday "afternoon"...haha... =D then quite boring later for the rest of the day as i had to stayed at home doing nothing again on normal weekends where i am got to go out with bro, Bryan, later coming to the evening...went to ep and walk around, then went to one of the cafes nearby and had kopi there...haha...luckily that it had not started to rain back then... :-) after that it was back to home where we had our dinner at home...and then down to gym not long after...haha...wee timing improved on least all the hard work has been paying after gym went to one of the benches outside the gym and sat down, before having a chit-chat or that i know that i can actually be a take that as a compliment... =D)...cannot believe it...we actually talked from around 11.15pm onwards until around 12.40am!!haha...well, guess my patients would really have to be patient if they want to look for me for a counselling got to walked back home from Bryan's house nack home...haha...although it was already midnight...i was not afraid walking back home alone as it has not been the first time to the atmosphere and surroundings there when it is at i'm actually surprised that my mum did not ring me up this time round for not having to be on my way home when it is already so late...haha...guess that maybe she knows that it is going to be my holidays for the next two quite long for
As for to wake up late as usual on a holiday...haha...woke up at 1plus in fact...where it maybe also due to the fact that i tucked in late the previous day...then got to watch "Sky High" on the TV, just rented the disc from a rental shop yesterday at ep with Bryan...after that, i then came online now and here i am...blogging...and feeling kind of bored again...haha...but...oh yeah!!'s my holidays that i can enjoy it as fruitful as i am thinking it to be..haha...oh well...guess that's for today, as well as next long folks... =D

Signing out... :-)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bored... -_-lll ...

as usual, don't think that i will be going out again on either those who got camp went for their camp...or others are going overseas...but it always happen at the times where i am free...haiz...can't help i guess i will be suffering from boredom again, staying at home and having absolutely nothing up to to do nor to have fun with...but now that it is already the start of my two-week term break, guess i must really enjoy and cherish it, spending it fruitfully, before another new block starts where i have to face that lecturer again, and no doubts, it will bound to be as tough, or if not, even tougher than the first block where it was model-making much to write about nothing much had happened so far for the day for me...and thus i'm really super duper "bored"...haha...well, until next long... =D

Dozing off... :-)


Friday, September 14, 2007

End of Block 5... How Time Flies... :-)

oh well, its the end of another block time flies...however, during the block, i could still remember how i moaned about the super duper slacking and boring block...haha...but's all =D well, today i went to school the second earliest and my group was actually the first to submit our final group assignment for the module...then went to "Cheers" at Business a few snacks from there...hence, after that, we went to some of the benches which were just outside the Business LTs area and slacked there...while munching on our snacks...was really raining quite heavily back then...haha...then after that went back to Design School and got to take a look at the wood (material) for the "FLIP Challenge 2007"...after that then went to cad lab and slack there until around 2.30 plus then we got back down to the LT to collect back our submission...nonetheless, after that, some of them decided to collect back their 1x1 murals and got a lift home to put down their murals first before joining the others, who did not take their murals home, for a game of bowling at "Superbowl" at Kovan, with the help of Chan Zee's he got a van which is spacious and convenient enough to take in the murals...Nevertheless, those who did not decide to take back their murals just now went to Tampines Safra and had a mini shopping spree at the "Giordano Warehouse Sale" (including =D)...i got only a bermuda which cost me at 15bucks...initially wanted to get at least 5 i really need bermudas!!haha...maybe is due to the fact that i find it more convenient to wear them as compared to other denim and long pants...and that they may not be as warm as the denim and other long pants as well...but in the end i only got i was not quite sure whether the rest of the bermudas were meant for females, males, or even unisex (the merchandises are always mixed up and messed around in the =D)...haha...hence i only got the one which had a tag stating that it is meant for that...we then went to split up into 2 cabs and then went to Superbowl at Kovan to meet up with the rest...haha...initially we wanted to take the risk of squeezing five person in a cab...but many of the taxi-drives rejected it...hence, we then split up into 3-2...however...i could not understand that the fact that why was it that when i got into the taxi and headed off to the destination first...but with the other 3 in the other cab which headed off for the destination later than us...their cab had actually reached earlier than us (ok...maybe just that their cab was in front of us and that they got off the cab first...but we reached at the same time...haha...), and that our cab-fare was more ex than taxi-driver must really be off to cheat our that then went to bowl at Superbowl (i had actually been there before...but is just that as i had only been there once and it had been almost going to 2 years ago since i last went there...haha...hence i did not dare to confirm whether that the "Superbowl" bowling alley which they were mentioning about to go to, was actually the exact same place which i had been not, we could have gotten off the cab there instead of making a left turn ahead and alight at one of the bus-stops just outside Kovan MRT Station...haha...but anyway, we then joined the rest for 2 games of bowling each per the end ending up the other group who started earlier than us had to wait for the other 5 of us to finish our first games first before starting our second game bowling we then went to "Heartland Mall" where some of them grabbed a drink there...not long after it was then off for home sweet home, where i started my exhausting and long journey back home from Kovan MRT to Simei MRT...haha...upon reaching home, i then got a shower and had my dinner at home...and here i am...blogging...feeling quite tired and sleepy...haha...did not got to sleep enough thats all for the until the next entry...c ya... =D

Zomming out... :-)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last day... wee pee!!! =D

wee pee!!tommorow's going to be the last day for another block again...but for a slacking one this time, today went to school and had the last lecture in the a lecture on the Vietnamese history and culture...then initially, we were actually suppose to watch a "boring" video clip (said by Devin...but i also agree with him i think...haha...)...fortunately according to him, the "boring" video clip was not working...haha...too in the end we got to watch a Hong Kong movie video clip (in Cantonese...which i understood without looking much at the subtitles...haha...) regarding about a "Kung Fu" soccer film...quite a funny and hysterical one in fact...haha... :-) but not as funny as "Chai Lai Angels" after that went to mensa and had hokkien mee...not bad... :-) then went to the 2D Art studio and look at the murals we did last case some of us may want to take it back home, lest they throw it away after the block after taking 3D Art by the othe students in the same studio...they are all messed up which really need a "massive cleaning" (that may include the disposal of unwanted the murals...), but did not take it back just now as i did not feel like holding it in the MRT all the way home...feel very awkward with all the faces staring at me...haha...maybe another time before they throw it after that went to meet aida about the FLIP Challenge 2007...took about 15 minutes...then went to tampines interchange and joined up with sh and the rest...initially wanted to go k...but as syaqina did not felt like singing and may not have her type of songs to sing there...hence in the end we did not went to well, never mind...maybe another time then go again...haha... :-) hence, went to ps and bought some doughnuts at sh's previous workplace with sh and the rest...then walked all the way to TAKA from sh wanted to buy some comics at Kinokuniya...but in the end turned out that she bought four Taiwan magazines which cost around 10 bucks each (round up)...haha...Nonetheless, she did not have enough money to purchase her comics, but got four Taiwan magazines to read instead...haha...her wallet is having a "big hole" after that went to Macdonald's and had a rest (sit...aching legs...haha...) and had a drink...meanwhile some of us were reading the magazines which sh bought earlier just now in Kinokuniya...then after that went back home...super tired...haha...feel like sleeping that's all for till next time...c ya... +=D

Dozing off... :-)


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

OH NO!!! :-(

Oh my...what a day it was, despite i did not went to k...earlier had lunch with bryan and tc...went to kopitiam and had jap food there...the food was ok but thought that there maybe other better jap food out elsewhere...then went to bryan's house and played x-box and WII...wee guy really has all the latest games in the world man...haha...x-box 360, PS3, PSP, WII, u name it, he got kid, that's why stay in condo...haha...was playing happily happily and enjoying myself so much while playing the baseball, tennis, and bowling in the WII...WII is actually played by moving the playing controller with the sensor sensing the movements of the controller, hence it is more fun as i can get to move myself just like in the real game...haha...but the sad thing happened when his house was too cramped (maybe too much stuff...) initially, i was playing bowling and was standing at a spot in the living room which i thought that the sensor may not be close enough and may not execute out my controller's movements as accurate as i had moved it (standing too far and not facing the sensor directly)...hence i changed my position to a nearer and more direct (facing the sensor) spot where i thought that i it would be better for me to play the game well in terms of the accurateness of the sensor in sensing my controller's actual movements...however before movig to the spot, bryan had already warned me and tc to be careful and not to hit the chandelia which was just above me in my "new spot"...and that he had also told me that it is unnecessary for me to swing my hand all the way up when releasing the ball (just like the real game in bowling), however, as i may had been too complacent back then and engrossed in continuing the bowling game (like to play WII games a lot due to the different way of using the controller), which i had been yearning to go and play it (the actual game in reality), but did not as some of my cliques were either too busy or did not know how to play, hence i did not really expect myself to hit the chandelia when i was going to releas the ball (in the game)...Nevertheless, as i was also too excited and did not control my force of releasing the ball in the bowling game, i had actually hit the chandelia accidentally with the controller which had sent one of the attached crystals rocketing away to a cushioned seat which was just beside the sofa(the sofa was behind me), the crystal was supposed to be attached to the chandelia by a chain or something, but now it is broken and that i also do not know whether the "crystal" could be fixed and attached back to the chandelia...i was super duper startled when i hit the chandelia with my controller...which bryan had already told me to be very careful and not to hit it which was just less than half a minute ago...and less than half a minute later...zzz...and since then bryan was giving me the "black" face throughout the other games played later... :-( really very sorry about it...really did not mean to spoil your chandelia...but it is just...i do not know...lost for words now... :-( really hope that it can be fixed back and that he would not be angry or was lucky that the crystal landed safely on a well-cushioned seat which was jst beside the sofa...if not, i would not dare to "imagine" what would happen to it (bad time to let my imagination run wild...for those of you who are the same group as me in the major group assignment for DesH&C)...however it was also not lucky enough for the crystal to loose itself off the chandelia (only really lucky if the crystal was not even going to be unattached off itself from the chandelia...) :-( ... oh my, someone please help me...really feeling so remorseful and regret appetite, no nothing...oh no... :-( now really scared that the chandelia could ot be fixed back... :-( what should i do now?? :-( urgh... feel like breaking down now...urgh... :-( well, guess that should be enogh for me today...if not...zzz...until the next long...

Signing out... :-(

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


as usual, i went to school for some "extra lessons" again...haha...actually is for a lecture...but the problem lies in the fact that this block and moodule whick i am taking currently is really, super, duper to watch a somehow boring video in the LT just now...and thats it for the class just now in school...and now that everything (major group project) is done, i feel even more bored and hoping that this block could faster end, and that my "boredom sickness" could recover :-) but thinking back, wait till the nest block starts, which i have to face that lecturer again (those who are in my class will know who i am referring to), then would i think back this curent block which i am having now?like why didn't i enjoy the "slackism" of it, and have to be busy again in the next block...haha...its always been like this, isn't it?haha...wait till when it is over, one will then cherish it when it is alreadt too only realising its importance when its gone...haha...too cim or too philosophical right?, then suppose to go to k tommorow, bt then suddenly one of my besties could not make it and afraid that he may not have enough money after something...haha...(got girlfriend then "pang seh" ready la...just jk...haha... =D), so tomorrow suppose to be my only day off from school for this whole week and had wanted to go to k, but then, now i think i may have to change plans already...argh...oh well, nothing coud be better than going to k i think...haha...not that i am pessimistic...but it is just that it had been quite a while since i last went there, hence had really been longing to go there...and had been lokking forward to it as well...oh well, guess some other time then... :-( but anyway, guess thats all for till then...c ya... =D

Vanishing away... :-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bored...Bored...Bored... -_-lll

it is now 2350, 10/09/2007, and here i am blogging, feeling ultra bored and slacking far it has really been quite slacking for this block...hence, although my two-weeks term break starts only after next week, it seemed that it had already started unnoticingly...where it is just thatduring the holidays, i still have to go back to school for extra kind of an extended term break or vacation for feeling super duper bored right now...haha...but anyway...guess its time to turn in for me as stil have "to go back for extra lessons tommorow"...haha... =D anyway folks, nights and sweet dreams...until next time...c ya...

Sleeping soundly away...

zzz...zzz...zzz... :-)

Finally... =D

woof...finally, finished my last group project for the current subject which i am taking a hard time on deciding on the layout of the visuals board...but still, we got it solved and that we had the same sentiments on which of the many suggested layouts of the visuals board we should adopt to use for it...quite a cold day it was raining quite heavily in the morning earlier...hence felt a little like at melbourne or brisbane where i got to enjoy the cooling weather...woof...shiok :-) then got to school and gave devin a look at our group project...haha...suppose to be group 4, but in the end we became group 2 (order of going to let devin to see our group project's progress) some of the groups came late...hence...anyway....then we went to Jupiter Cafe and had our lunch there...could not understand why they closed The Designers' Canteen despite the students are not having their holidays nor their breaks yet, hence thought that it was quite unnecessary and redundant to do so...anyway, we then went to the lab and finished our group project...and here i am...blogging and slacking...haha... :-) well, guess thats all for today...till next time...c ya... =D

Signing out... :-)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Satisfaction...haha... :-)

woof...did not blog again yesterday...haha...was watching a Hong Kong series film with my sister...rented ones...the show was nice, both exciting and thrilling...was some police show... :-) then after that went to gym with bro, bryan, at his condo...haha...had been some time since i last exerted and worked out that much...hence got a bit of a muscle strain in my triceps when i woke up earlier just now...haha...but anyway, i'm fine... :-) after gym, we then went to one of the round-tables with seats around it, just outside the gym, and had a face-to-face chit-chat, where he conversed to me about his current love-life then got to save the day by salvaging the situation (almost going to break-up), by talking him round and explaining to him certain issues...haha...and that worked...a great feeling of satisfaction for =D after that, went back home and had my late dinner, then bryan went back to the gym to train his biceps...after dinner, my sis got to rent another six more episodes of the Honk Kong series got to watch it until like around 2plus coming to 3 in the midnight before tucking in for bed??haha...used to sleeping late already :-) and thats for yesterday...haha...

Today, woke up at around 1plus coming to 2 in the afternoon as i turned in quite late yesterday...haha...had a nice sleep...felt very refreshed and energized when i woke up just now...haha...but then, no point feeling super refreshed and rejuvenated nothing much may be happening later, hence will be feeling quite bored and slacking (feeling like going to rot =D ), but guess will be going out for a meal with bryan and kai...haha...but oh well, guess will be slacking at home what i'm doing now, slacking and blgging =D however, going to k with some of my besties this week...oh yeah...ahhaha... :-) has really been a long time since i last went to a month??to me, a month is really a long time for not going to k...hahaha...but anyway, just bear with it a while more before going there this thats should be all for today as well...hope for a better "cim" that's till then...c ya... =D

Signing off... :-)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

faking?copying?indirect?shielding oneself from other stuff? :-) not be alarm by my title for this nw 12.31pm in the afternoon, and had only just woke up in the noon...haha...nothing much going to happen later i no plans of going out later, thus will just slack at home i guess...hence since like nothing much to say about in this post, just randomly thought of an "everyday thinking" which have been feeling like to address it...haha...basically, just randomly thought of people whom i had saw, or have been seeing so far in my it family members, friends, or others, are there really people outside there who have been "faking", be it their smiles, their actions, or even the things which they had said??lol...once fine...haha...Nevertheless, do these people have a certain hidden agenda for doing so??Moving on, when these people are "faking", is it because they are trying to imitate, or even to copy others who are able to hide the weak side of them well??...while they themselves cannot hide it as well as they do??...but struggling to do so??Having to do so, are these people trying to shield themselves from other stuff??like to have a "weak" image in the mind of others and that they are not "strong" enough to take on the task of other stuff??like leading a big group and must always "die die" be the head of something??Nonetheless, are their hidden agendas "to pin-point at someone or even to insult and humiliate someone" indirectly??hahas...once agian...i'm alright and have been doing fine...just a random thought in my mind...haha...well, having to said all that, you maybe woud have to start wondering whether are there any people of such around you...thanks for doing so as you had gave my post a thought about it...haha... :-) i'm not sure about you, but as for me, there are many of them around me be it in the past or present, even within my own family members, that is why i even had the random thought of it in my mind...haha...sad cannot do anything about if you may have thought about people who had been of such, what you may only do is to "open one eye, close one eye, one ear in, one ear out", and just ignore about it...haha...quite a random post i guess, but no offence to the viewers k? =D :-) nothing much to say until next time...c ya...haha...

Vanishing off... :-)

Fun/Bored?? :-)/:-(

argh...sad :-( did not got to go to Pulau Ubin today as there were not many people going, hence the organizer had cancelled the trip...oh well, better luck next time... :-) however, still went out to marina with my good buudy, tc, to marina square...just as we were "lost" (did not know what to do there), cleone and xs (two of my ex-secondary school classmates) arrived coincidentally, and that saved us from the boredom tc and i were having back then...haha...:-) again, i accompanied a group of girls shopping at marina square...haha...a bit boring, but luckily still got tc can talk together when the girls were busy doing their =D not long after we parted our ways where xs and cleone went to find a job which they could work during their vacation...then tc and i went to Bugis Street where i got a new a sense of satisfaction after getting the bag as i have been looking for it since today and i got it on that same day as well...haha...which maybe very rare in most me...haha...after that then went back home and watched the TV, and online blogging, slacking, like what i am doing or bored? i'm not part maybe i got to go out with my buddy even though the Pulau Ubin trip was cancelled...while the bored part, of course, did not got to go to Pulau Ubin.. :-( but anyway, one thing which i was sure about is that a feeling of satisfaction was achieved after getting my new :-) well, guess thats all for the until then...c ya =D

Signing out... :-)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Yay!! :-)

yay!!tomorrow going to Pulau Ubin with some of my besties to cycle..haha...really really looking forward to it, heard that it will be quite a big group, with most of them who are my ex-4E1 gang..haha... =D nonetheless, this is also the first time where i will be going to Pulau Ubin in my seventeen years of life!! anyway going to wake up quite early tommorow as we planning to meet at 7.30 at changi ferry terminal...bad to the furthermore most of the people will also be going to Pulau Ubin for their first time ever as well, hence i just thought that maybe could meet up at a common place where we all know like at the tampines interchange or something first before leaving for the destination as a group which in turn maybe better for most of the people, especially for those who maybe direction "idiots"(excluding me)...haha...oh well, no choice, since its fixed think it maybe quite impossible to change the plan right now, so only the best of luck to the others who are not that good in reading road signs and finding the correct directions...haha...(no offence arh...) :-) hence, tommorow is definitely going to be one my most adventurous days for today, watched a video on how graphics were used in both ways; promoting a campaign, addin pepper and salt to any conflicts, with only a common goal that is to persuade the reader about something and making them to think and see like what the designer of the graphics wants them to...then after that it ws the boring part of the class...lecture...ah...bored...haha...but then not long after got to watch another video, stillquite unsure of the title, but if i'm not wrong, should be something like "Chai Lai"?? the movie was in Thai, but as there were subtitles, i was able to comprehend what the actors in the movie were saying...quite an exciting, yet some sort of resemblance that of a comedy, hence felt quite hysterical when watching the movie as well...after that end of today's lecture, then went to had a meal at design canteen, had western, as i did not had any of it so far for this week, then now here i am after eating in the cad lab blogging, quite slacking also, as most of the work for the group poject has been completed, i think we may even be the first group to finish as compared to the rest in the class...haha...guess thats should be all about it for the till then..c ya.. =D

Vanishing away... :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

SINCITY 2030 = Singapore Cty 2030?...

Well, guess some of you would have been wondering what is my title about... whereas some of the people in my class must have already guessed what is it about...its actually about tutorial 3 which is actually to depict a 15-minute scene of a person living in this place called "SINCITY" in the year 2030...well, as it kinded of resembled the title of SINgapore CITY = SINCITY...just submitted it today...however, as I had find it quite interesting to depict such "futuristic" scenes, hence quite reluctant to stop when i had to upon reaching the estimated 15 minutes...and not anything more than that...haha... :-) feeling quite bored now, as now that would had already left me with only the final project for this entire module to finish, which is completed around 50% already i think?? here i am, slacking and but again, today i had rejected two other outings with some of my besties who are having their hols now, but not me :-( oh well, no choice, can't change the calendar anyway, so also no point crying over spilt right??haha... :-) furthermore also already had my one-month hols earlier the semester already, during the second also no point moaning about it...haha...not literally, but more of cim again...haha... :-)
but anyway, guess thats should be all for today as till next time...c ya... :-)

signing off... =D

Sunday, September 2, 2007


wow...quite a big rain today, hence it was quite cold in the LT just now during my subject lecture :-)...lucky i brought my jacket, while there were some who didn't were freezing in there..haha went to the cad lab after having a meal at design canteen to continue to do my group project with my besties r all having their hols, but not me, hence rejected some of the outings they ask me to go :-( ... has always been like this, didn't i hol, they got school, but when they hol (like now), then i got school..argh..haha...oh well, can't do anything about it...but really been yearning to have more gatherings with them...catch up like old times..haha..
didn't blog yesterday, as i was busy playing with my younger anyway yesterday just went out with bros, kai and bryan, went to had a meal then to BK, wa lao eh, got girl liao don't two timer la, kidding..haha..then went home after that and continued to played with my cousins, hide-and-seek, wahaha..oops..ok..haha..then after that watched TV, and went to sleep not long after...and thats about all for what happened for yesterday...02/09/2007...but guess thats all for today as well..haha...c ya... =D

Signing out... :-)