Sunday, December 16, 2007


lol...had not been updating my blog for another close to half a month again i is because i have been quite occupied by work at Tommy Hilfiger...yea...haha...nonetheless, the outlet had been having some sales going on for some christmas and pre-holidays quite busy and drained after work...especially for the staff sales on was like "a chinatown during the pre Chinese New Year period" the sales was quite good i happen to learnt that the outlet which i am working at currently is the one that has been having the highest amount of sales daily as compared to the other outlets in thanks to great and "aggressive" sales assistants like ME!! >< lol...haha...yea so hope to have more gatherings in these next few days during the it will be a load of strenous work again when the school starts...zzz...3D Art and Project 1...must really stay focused and concentrate for that period of going to work tommorow again for the afternoon shift till closing...haha...have been working three days consequtively with tommorow as the fourth taking that one of the days is a full-shift one...which means to start work from the opening of the outlet all the way till the closing time...yea...and that day happened to be on a guess if i want to earn more money...this is what it guess i'll update again asap when i have the time off from work i till next tine...take care and c ya!! =D

Signing out... :-)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Back from Penang!!! =D

wow...what an another fun-filled and overseas trip for me for this went to Penang, Malaysia!!!haha...though missed some "happenings" back in S'pore...but i will not forget someone's Sweet 17th Birthday Leong!!...haha...yea...i went to Penang...and according to my mum, i've been there before, but it was like around 12 years ago!!lol...this time round went there...and it was like wow...i like the beautiful scenery there...the only thing i can complain there is the kind of service provided in that hotel and those "greedy" taxi drivers...all "money-suckers"...but went there and shopped and shopped and ate, and shopped and ate, and shopped and ate, and climbed a "mountain" at there as well...then also went to take a look at some of the old places where my mum and grandma grew up there as well...and according to my mum who had not been to Penang as long as i did, which is like around 12 years, lots and lots had changed...such as the many "just-built" high-rise buildings there...Penang is actually an island away from the main Malaysian island a little there will this long bridge from the main island to Penang, and oh man the bridge is don't know how many tens of times longer than the fyi, i got to take a coach bus to and fro there...yea...a bit of a long journey in te bus...and the journey is in the it was like so COLD!!!lol...then slept in the bus until at interval toilet break stops where got to wake up and went to "empty" my bladder a it was like so much nice food there seriously...and it's really "cannot find in S'pore one" i wished could had stayed there longer, then could get to eat more of those yummy food...but although didn't get to stay longer, according to my maid when i reached home sweet home just today, she said that i was fatter as compared to when i left for not surprising when i got to eat like up to 4 meals a day...and one meal was like...zzz....g. Lunch: lor mee, wanton mee, curry mee, fried noodle, fried mee sua, chow kway tiao, hokkien mee, prawn noodle, fried oyster, duck beehoon, horfun mixed more no less...haha...but all these was shared among four people including me can't finish all of it by myself...haha...and after i checked with the weighing machine just now...i seriously gained weight...zzz...haha...then shopped at one of the shopping malls there as well, and if i remembered correctly, it was called "The Pranglin Mall" three tees and three berms, a cap, a vest, a tie, and a is because i don't get such prices back here in S' tee for 20 ringgit also equal to around $8-$9 Sing dollars...and one berm for 35 ringgit...and is those super "cool and trendy" one...haha...and is equal to around $16-$17 Sing dollars...and the rest so on and so for...but all in one...yea...u got it's in a shopping mall...haha...but it was also partially sue to the end of season and festive season that's why they having some sales going around...and good for me can get "quite a few" stuff from there...haha...yea so just came back...left for Penang on Wednesday night, then just came back this it was from 28/11 - 2/12...and from this i had actually gt to realise it in life or in work...that by letting go something, i may actually get another thing in return...which maybe better...and when it was led go...i then realise somethings, be it a person or an object, how much it meant to me and that whether it had really ever meant something to me before...nevertheless, by realising the important and precious "stuff" to it a person or something...but on the overall, i found that this trip was in the end quite "important" for it to relax an have fun, or to have more exposure, or to realise something...thus it was a meaningful one and hope that there will be more of such overseas trip for me to come...yea...hence till next time...c ya!! =D

Signing off... :-)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Enthusiastic or Committment??

today went to school and had a meeting with aida and rest for the Open House i need to be there to know what is going to happen on the day itself...nonetheless, gina and i were the OICs for the OH2008...first time to be an OIC for an event...but shall give it my best shot...yea...haha...then came home after i'm start to ponder over these two words..."enthusiastic" and "committment" i was thinking that the mass number of people joining the SA in the school are because that they just want the "SEAL" points in order to further their studies after their polytechnic education??or just to go and have fun??or to be committed and attend all the meetings and anything that has regards with the CCA...what the...not that i don't like or something...but i just feel that those people who want to join the SA because they just want the SEAL points, or have fun and being enthusiastic in something...then i think that SA is not even the least correct place for them AT ALL!!it's like if they want to have fun or what, they can go to somewhere else to do so...but not ever in SA for goodness's like by doing so, it's so self-centered and selfish of them, and always to mess up everything and get everybody involved to clean up the mess they had made after that...because why??it's simply because that when they initially joined SA, they were not even "Committed" to it...that's why...being committed to something and being enthusisatic about something is totally maybe cmmitted about something by taking all responsibilities and duties, or even consequences if there are any about it...but you may just be enthusiastic about something by just playing "THAT" part and totally ignore the other aspects of me, i despise and feel shameful to these people around especially when they are even in ruining the image and destroying everything like that...suck selfish and sickening ...... anyway, just suddenly thought of it and blogged it...and that it's really irritating to me when there are "such" people around especially all the more in......but right now guess that's all so till the next post long...

Signing out...

Monday, November 26, 2007

-_-lll... zzz......

didn blog for yesterday, ytd just went to cousin's house in the afternoon then stayed there and slacked all the way till around 11plus coming to 11.30pm at night then went it was so bored at today went to see a doctor early in the morning as i had a running nose, sore throat, and some gastric sick...and all due to the workload given!!!...argh!!! lol...then went there and it was a crowd there...guess the awkward weather nowadays recently must had gotten most of the people sick as waited for almost half an hour or more for my turn...then it began to rain cats and dogs again...and it was already around 12.40pm plus in the afternoon, where there will be an SA meeting in school later at 1pm...nonetheless, i took a cab to school from there...and luckily i was not late for the meeting then...and that JY go sabo me and gina to be OIC for the Open House 2008 for the Design School on the this prepared not to be spared under my after that went to sing at kbox at marina with joe and wc...and even though i was having a running nose and a sore throat, i still went to sing despite it was almost impossible for most of the i didn't want to last minute cancal the outing, if not it would then not be very nice as went to sing until 6pm in the evening then went to PS for RHD crap dinner at LJS...been having LJS for the last couple of i'm still having a sore throat...after that i felt a bit tired and that i would also need to rest well and rest early due o my sickness...and guess what...i would have to recover asap from this sicknesses as i will be going to Malaysia for an overseas hoilday trip with ym get sick at the wrong time....and to get the "full package" as well at one went home and bathed and had a little of TV, then came online and started to blog...argh...hope that i would really recover from all my sicknesses asap for the overseasa holiday trip which is just the day after??lol...and that i also had not even started to pack up my stuff yet for it...argh...kind of a crappy start for my holidays...and really really seriously hope that it would going to be better holiday for me tommorow...going to rest early and start to pack some of my stuff for the overseas holiday until the next post again...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Finally...Holidays are here!!!WOO HOO!!! haha... =D

okay...had not been updating since last week or i even forgotten some of the things did...haha...but on the overall, it was quite a tough and strenous block for me...and there will be more to come in the next two blocks right after the vacation that's have to bear with it...i even had to sacrificed my weekends and rejected many "promised" felt so bad rejecting it after promising...but to all those whom i had rejected your appointments...tonnes of apologies...but i seriously didn't meant to reject i had a lot of assignments to rush...and that even after i rejected the appointments, i still have to rush my assignments until super duper late at night till the late wee hours...super exhausted after that seriously, and it think that it maybe due to this, that i have been starting to feel uncomfortable and weird symptoms with my body...such as back ache, gastric pains, i had gastric before seriously and it was no joke, vomitted all the acid out of my stomach...and now it is starting to ache again like nobody's business...argh...why has it to be so tough for everything?is it due to the fact that i have too high an expectation for me??or is it just that i am giving myself excuses, and that i do not know how to plan my time well...argh...and right now i am not sure whether my body could take it anymore when the next two blocks "arrive", 3D Art and RHD Project had even rejected appointments such as birthdays and "primary school" class gatherings...which is like once in don't know how many years to come...argh...and when i'm super duper free...nothing...just nothing...just boredom all the way...urgh...irritating...ut luckily for friday went to watched Kelly Poon's concert at Audi 1 and had a realxed time there...after all the assignments rush...then went to celebrate Chun Kiat's birthday at Bedok by right is Bedok Block 85 went there and had a feast to reward my days and nights of grumbling to skip some of the meals as well so as to complete my assignments on had "bak chor mee", stingray, satays and fried oyster the "best" part came when we went thirsty and stayed there from 7plus at night all the way till 12plus coming to 1 in the most of my classmates i think whom are catching up with theri sleep already in their comfy it was it was ck's the "best" part was that we ordered three cups of sugercane on the whole for most of us...and i meant three cups per person...after finishing one cup, then another cup, and much wonder my stomach so reached home at around 1plus am in the midnight that day, then bathed and went to queensway with tc and others...bought a wallet my current wallet now has a lot of "big lobangs"...then went to Fortune Centre at Bugis for dinner with grandpa, mum and went to gradpa's house for a while...and then came back for home sweet home...bathed and watched a little of TV on channel 5...some kind of war battle show...quite cool...then came online and that's my day...or rather a summary of my weeks consisting of days...argh what am i talking about...but's about it...but still feeling pain in my stomach, i think it maybe a relapse or an advanced stage or something for my i really hope that it will go off the piercing pains comes at a few intervals within a day, and the feeling is terrible, unbearable...kay going to sleep and catch up some of my sleep back...and hoping that the pain will seriously go of asap...yea...and till the next poat gain...c ya...

Paining away... :-(

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


sunday, stayed at home for the whole day to finish drawing my challenge got to sleep late at night at around i was watching some late night TV got to wake up at 7plus in the morning on the next day and then went to school for class at then only had drawing essentials on monday, as eileena will be away for the whole week!!lol...n that means no rendering for us for this whole week as well!!lol...haha...then went to ica later at lavender and got to extend my passport with wc and joe accompanying for the long hours of hoo!!lol...finally its extended...and which means now i can travel to overseas!!lol...haha...cant wait for the overseas trip after i had extended my passport to Penang in the first week right after the end of the i'm also anticipating for another trip to somewhere further i want to travel overseas in a plane!!lol...the favourite part of travelling overseas to, i will only be taking a coach bus to Penang for the overseas trip with my they say it's i got to wait for my turn to extend my passport...whereas wc and joe went to bugis to get a present first for wc's her birthday is coming according to even after they had finished buying the present, i was still waiting for my turn to extend my passport!!lol...haha...the queue was so long...haha...after that ithen went to bugis and met up with wc and joe and accompanied thm to shop at there for a accompanied wc back to school for her band trial...while i went to the library and borrowed some books for the rendering assignment...tiring
today, went to airport in the morning and had a site sketch there for drawing got to tour around terminal 3 there...and it was so...super duper cool and intelligent architecture like it very much seriously, especially the spaciousness, clearity and the natural light coming in with the hanging panels above in the think it is so far the most high-tech and cool airport architecture i have seen so should go and take a look if you have the time...esp for the rhd who are not in the same drawing essentials class as me) will bound to appreciate it as much as i after that, went to eat at POPEYE at Terminal 2, then went back to the MRT station and sketched, but it was mostly informal and fun pics after and jump and jump...haha...after that went to bugis again with wc and joe and accompanied them to shop around...met up with sya ltr, then walked to esplanade...super tiring and exhausting knees and feet were aching came home after that...another exhausting day for me again...but despite we won't be having classes for tomorrow as well as still have to go back for TP Rawks...zzz...and i bet it's going to be more draing than what i had for the past few well, guess it's time for me to recharge for another potantially draining day till then...c ya!!haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


lol...what a "zzz......" day it to my cousin house to pray to my grandma early in the morning...then got to rush to school after that for another SA training for TP Rawks that went home to take the keys to go to my new house at tampines to burn the incense for the that then came to my cousin's house again and online since started to blog boring...and that i still have to do my challenge 3 later as aida wants it to be submitted to her by monday...which is the day after in the drawing essentials feeling bored and a bit of discouraged to do my challenge 3 for drawing i now feel like more to slack around first...and then to rush it through again tommorow...which in the end i will definitely have to stay up late again to finish guess i'm going to start later after my dinner at my cousin's house choice...haha...and well...guess that should be all for the day so till the next long folks!!haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Friday, November 9, 2007


so monday went to clarke quay to sketch...then "drag" myself back to school for rendering to learn how to use watercolour in rendering class that day...after that then went back home...and stayed till 4plus to finish thechallenge tiring and draining...and really got to pull myself up hard from bed on the next i have to wake up early for the morning draing essentials class day it was...tuesday...went to school and submitted challenge 1 in class...and it was Farhan's Birthday!! i didn know it until at Pizza again...Happy 18th Birthday Farhan!!haha... =D so went to Pizza Hut at TM after class to celebrate farhan's birthday...had a "high time" the best was yet to went back to rendering class later and we were taught on how to render with class, sh and i then went to the library and got to meet up with joe, wc, and that was when the "highlight" of the day"my anti-gravitational tree", "adrian's crossed-eye" , and wc's rabbit/hamster which we all laughed and had a high time there as it was down to work again for me when i reached i had to complete my challenge 2 for the drawing essentials the next again stayed until 3plus then completed my sketch on the elevation of the building for challenge 2...haha...super drained really felt like i'm going to collapse after drawing another woke up the next day at 7am lack of sleep...haha...and submitted challenge 2 in class later...wednesday, airbrush-ed for rendering and a pile of work for drawing essentials to be completed by the next lesson...argh...zzz...but i was clever enough to have sleep through the whole night upon reaching home later after having my shower and re-charged back "some" of my "drained-away" it was TV for me for a while in the early afternoon on, woke up at 1plus in the afternoon on TV it was then down to work again for me all the way till 3plus again...then went to bed and woke up today at 7am in the morning usual, the most difficult day for me to wake up in the whole week...some of you may know went to school early today to finish some of the shading for the hands-on-exercises for drawing in class, got to learn how to sketch pattern for materials on both elevations and to be dismissed earlier for today at around 11.20am plus...and then went to ITAS for lunch nad went back to the rendering studio for the continual part of the airbrush for rendering class...finally got to finish it...and finished my marker rendering as now, challenge 3 for drawing essentials, and one rendered interior and one non-rendered i hope that this block's going to end real soon...haha...then it;s going to be holidays!!oh yeah!!haha... =D quite exhausted guess i'm going to tuck into bed early still must wake up early for SA training in school and go to my ousin's house in the morning at around 11am for till next time...c ya!! =D

Dozing off... :-)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy 18th Birthday Farhan!! =D

First and foremost...Happy 18th Birthday Farhan...didn wished you "Happy Birthday" on that doing so now here...haha...and may all your wishes come true in this upcoming not been blogging for i was super duper ultra tired after days and days of drawing and drawing over and over again on the same things, and even re-drawing some of the stuff which aida didn find it quite for saturday, i went to my new house and did some final touches before i finally move in really have been anticipating this ever since i moved to i shaded some of the rendering stuff that it would be a breeze for me in shading...however it was not the went home and continued to shade tired can...then had to draw a tree, a plant, and a human for the rendering class the next day...slept at 4 plus on Sunday night...and overslept the next day...that's y i was late for the meet up with wc, vivian, yy, and joe...haha...really we have to go to clarke quay for a site sketch the next for supper till next time...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

Friday, November 2, 2007


had been another tiring thursday and friday for for thursday, got to draw some stuff for the hands-on-exercises and presented the powerpoint slideshow on our group research for the rendering class...then got to sketch and sketch and sketch until 5plus in the midnight later...and then slept until 8am only, then got up and had a shower and went to school later for the drawing essentials feeling super duper tired in it only "relapsed" after the rendering class i was still able to "keep it up" for the day for both of the classes...haha...then went to ITAS with sya, wc , and adrian, and had some riddles there which actuall made me "cheered-up" and "energized" then went back to the rendering studio for class after class, then went to the library and borrowed a few books on how to sketch plants, trees, and that, then left for home sweet home with sh's dad fetching reaching home, then went down and "chilled" with edwin and been a long time since we last caught that there will be more to got back home and had my shower then came online and strated blogging...buti guess that should be all for the day...and that i will be turning in for bed after exhausted now...and need to catch up with my sleeping, till the next long folks!! =D

Signing out... :-)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Date With The Ants...... went to school again early in the morning...went outdoor to sketch trees and and a car for class many ants there that some even bit me as i sat there sketching!! itchy!!argh!!lol...and thats not all, after class went to sh's house to do the architectural rendering research project with paul and at there, i was scanning the pictures needed for the powerpoint slides for most of the time, and there they were again on sh's house telephone in her room on the computer some even climbed onto my hand and bit me as well...argh!!lol...go pick someone your own size!! had a busy afternoon doing the architectural rendering project at sh's house after school...then after that went to marina square with paul and sijia and had our dinner i got a new water bottle and a vest...haha...exhilarated after getting myself something as came home and had a shower and a little of TV, then came online now and started to still got some more work to do later, got to sketch 3 vehicles (rendering & drawess), 3 trees and 2 i'm gonna stay up late to work that i have no choice but to get used to it, as this maybe part and parcel of my life in the future if i'm gonna continue this in my career i guess that's all for the day, and i'm going to start doing my work till then...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

early dismissal......

lol...what an early day toay for me to go duper not used to it...and it felt like i had just skipped a class or that something was missing back then when i was going home...haha...but very sorry to sya, wc, jl, and josephine, esp to i could see that she was not quite happy back then...for waitng for me at the bus stop just now for so long, but i already told wc that i reached the school ready when she called me...and that when she called me, i had also just reached the schoo like a few minutes ago only...not even 5 minutes.....yeah...and as i was already going to be late, hence i then took a cab to school...if not for that, i wouldn't had took a cab to school back then...and i also didn't know that they all wanted to meet up first before going for class together...and that i was already going to be late, hence i thought that they would go off for class first, in order not to be late cause of me...but still, i will let them know the next time that will i be meeting them and go to class together or to ask them to go for class had drawing essentials in the morning got to learn how to define and vary different types of gradiation by texture and was ok at the beginning, but then it became quite sleepy after that, as the spirals we drew on the sketchbook for the first exercise of the day, made us went a bit dizzy and sleepy back then...haha...esp wc's and josephine's me even "sleepier" after looking at intended to do the research groupwork for architectural rendering later in the library, however as sh had some house down to settle, hence we all left early and went to long john at bedok interchange and had our lunch there first, with wc, sh, sya, josephine, and adrian...then it was home sweet home after that...what an early day for me to go home for the not used to it, and will feel that like something is missing or that i had just played truant or guess this will only be for today, and then it will be back to the normal school days when we go home at night well, i guess that's all for the day so far...and till next time...c ya!! =D

Signing out... :-)

Monday, October 29, 2007

my weekend...

well for my weekend, i basically went to school on friday and finally FLIP is done...oh yeah!! it would then be another "hiong" block for me again for the next block, as it is going to be another two modules again, and this time round, it would be another drawing block the first drawing block which comprised of 2D Art as well as Architectural this time round, i'm going to have Architectural Rendering as well as Drawing Essentials for the next after that went to IKEA and bought a TV console and some cushions with my mum for my new house...yay...haha...finally i'm going to shift anticipating and looking forward to it for a very long was then TV, shower and dinner for it was Saturday, where i went to Everton park and visited my cousins there, had never been to there since my grandma passed i went there and cried again don't know why...just felt a sudden grasp in my heart for something...but then i had lost it...but there was only the maid in the house back then, hence it was only left with me ther sobbing like nobody's business until my eyes were all red...and then when my cousin came back, ithen quickly went back to the toilet and washed-up my face and washed away my tears...even as i walked through the corridor of the block, the void-deck at the first floor, everything just came back, memories where i was back then walking with a heart wanting to go and give my grandma a visit...argh...even now as i am posting this entry, the feeling to cry is coming back again...but i know that i must continue the path and not look sounds easy, but it really ain't not...but i will try...but i've always been wondering...why is it always the good ones to leave first??why??does anyone knows the answer to it??maybe i know...but it's just that i do not dare to face up to it...and just running away from it...ok so that's all for Saturday...then it was Sunday...stayed at home for the whole day and rotted...then got to watch the charity show at night later...yea and thats all for Sunday as well...i then went to school just now and started another fresh new block assignments...and hope that i will have a whole brand new attitude towards it as well...then cane back form school after watching titanic at the library with sya wc, and adrian...and doing some research before that with sijia, paul, and sh for the research groupwork for architectural rendering which was assigned to us already on the first day...then came back and had my shower and my dinner, then had a little of TV before coming online and started to blog...and finally the horse is "officially" out of my thumbdrive...but now coming to think back agian...yes, iaggree that time will heal...and i'm waiting for that day of "full recovery" to come soon...and it's just that i've been waiting for so long...and i really hope that it could end...but i guess it will really take a very long time...and here i go starting to go teary again...don't know why...i just can't control it after the slightest thought of it...i just can't bear it...i really can't...i really can't...omg i thikn i shall stop for now...if not i think i'm going to have sore eyes for tommorow Drawing Essentials till the next post...c ya folks...

Tearing off... ;-(

my weekend

Thursday, October 25, 2007 near yet so far...

Today, i basically went to the workshop and continued on the production process of our furniture design for the "FLIP" was so near yet so far at quite a few points in time back then in the it was finally finished at about 8plus at night later, after finishing spraying the last few layers of lacquer onto the furniture to give it a protective coat...but there was something else back then which had made me quite unhappy...and that i am still thinking about it now...wondering about why was it that such things happened...argh...but i'm trying not to think about it anymore by listening to "high" songs...haha...and i hoe that it would definitely be a better tomorrow for me as to all of you who are reading my blog out there, i won't be writing on long essays in my posts for my blog again...but i can't confirm it for exceptions...which maybe for special cases...haha...but i guess that should be all for now...and till next long folks!! haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


i'm really extremely worn-out basically woke up at around 7am in the morning again...and then went to vivian's house downstairs to help her to carry the pile of heavy wood-stained wood to school...upon reaching school with vivian and jl, as jl happened to be on the same bus no. 23 with us we then went to the workshop, where we began another day and night of tedious of production and construction process of our furniture design for the "FLIP" again...haha...and we only went for a break when the workshop was closed at times such as from 12.30pm in the afternoon to don't know what from 5.30pm in the evening to 6pm later...and during the lunch break, some of us then went for an interview for a TPSU GL at the student, we were asked to cheer loudly from the first level to the 4th Level in order to let the interviewer to be able to listen to our "Cheer" loudly and clearly...haha...and we did that during the lunch break, and it was right besdie the bookshop and "MENSA", there were bound to be people looking at us as we cheered it was a bit embarrassing back then as well...haha...not that we were shy or what, but it was just due to the fact that the "atmosphere" back then was not quite right for us to cheer that loudly and "randomly' like from out of nowhere...haha...after that, we then went all the way through "The Business Park"canteen and back to Design farhan felt like having a "plastic surgery" after the along the way, it was also my first time bumping into people from my secondary they are people like ivan, chunkiat, wendy, and a coincidence...but i must also thanks for farhan for making it possible if not for him to suggest to walk through the Business School and then walk all the way back to Design School reaching the studio, we then went out of school agian to get the spray lacquer and some other type of sandpaper for the construction process of our furniture design for the "FLIP" that, we then went back to the workshop and then it was another tiring and sleepy afternoon there for me this time we then started to work busily in the wrokshop again all the way until 5.30pm in the evening, where the workshop will be closed for a short while from then until 6pm then went up to the rendering studio and "crapped" there for a that, we then went to the plotting room which was just beside it to print out our registration form for the "FLIP" competition...haha...not long after that, we then went back down to the wrokshop again for another round of ardous construction process of our furniture design for the it was then when unnecessary problems started to arise, such as the joinery, and the glue stains were almost all over the exposed surface area of the at the wrong timing...and we were all depressed a little as we were just that "one-step" closer to completing in constructing our furniture...until then rushed to join the few pieces of the wood toether onto the whole furniture itself in the last few minutes of time we had before the workshop was going to be closed for the day thankfully, we managed to finish it in time which was just nice just as the workshop was going to close for the day already...haha...and it was then off for home sweet home...and for your were only jl, farhan and i doing the "final work" for the furniture for the whole afternoon and night, excluding the little time we had for the morning part, and vivian was don't know go where she will be oweing all of us a treat at then upon reaching home, i then got o have my shower and then had my late dinner at home again, which could be considered as "supper' as then gotto had a little of TV, before coming online now and started to an another long day of "hard work" for luckily that we will be meeting at 12.30pm in the afternoon tomorrow in the workshop again to finish up the few touches for our furniture design for the "FLIP"...and before when it is finally "completed" yeah...haha...and it would then really be my "resting time" then, i guess that's for the day as well...and that i'm going to tuck into bed soon as well...haha...i'm really worn-out right now...i really's just that i'm using my "last few" strokes of energy to move my fingers a little to type and blog, and opening my eyelids a little, in order to see what i am typing and blogging until the next post...c ya!! haha... =D

Dozing away... :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


lol...well for the day, i got to wake up at around 7plus in the morning this time round...upon which, i then went to school and reached at the cad lab at about 9am...i then got to show aida my A! print for my autocad drawing for, i had to edit some more stuff for it again...haha...after the editing, i then asked wc to help me "da bao" seafood fried rice from ITAS as she was on her way back from, i went down to the rendering studio and had my lunch there...having to finish my lunch, i then started another round of exhausting construction of the furniture in the design heavy workshop for the "FLIP", together with vivian, jl, and farhan...tiring and stressful...haha...and when i supposedly don't even have any lessons at 3pm in the afternoon for DaDra later...nonetheless, i still have to go to school early and go back home late, due to the tedious construction process for the furniture for "FLIP" was then in the workshop all the way for me until at around 5.30pm in the evening, where the workshop had closed for a while, and it will be opened at 6pm later in a while we then took that as a small break for us, and went to "CHEERS" at the Business School to get some food...haha...and on the way we got to be cheered up by "Eh!! Wait for me!!", as well as "11 siew mais" then went back to the rendering studio and left our stuff inside, while having our food outside the studio at one of the"delicious siew mais" i would say...and only average for the rest...haha...after that, we then went back down to the workshop and continued sanding the pieces of wood for the this time round we went down together with vivian, after her rendering class had ended...we then continues to work in thw workshop until 7plus in the evening, i then went to the "LYE" bla bla bla...and got some more sandpaper and a bottle of woodstain for one of the types of wood which we will be using in our furniture now after the "eleven siew mais" and other food stuff, as well as for the can of wood stain, i'm broke for the, the wrokshop was going to close at around 9pm at night for the day, and we had to coat finish at least the first layer of wood stain on all the poppler then decided to go to the void-deck under vivian's apartment took a cab there after packing our stuff in the wrokshop, quite a pile to carry from thw workshop...but we had no reaching vivian's house downstairs, we then began to apply the first coat of wood stain on al the poppler wood, and along the way, jl's pants was stained as all of our hands were stained with the dark wood stain as well...and along the way as well, we then discovered that some of the poppler wood were not sand properly, hence some of the wood were not able to be stained properly as well, and that the woodstain on the pieces of wood were uneven as it did not really quite mattered as we were going to apply another 2-3 coats of woodstain on the same pieces of wood which have the first layer of wood stain coated onto order to avert from the unevenness of the woodstain on the pieces of wood...haha...we then left the wood to dry for a while at the side of the void-deck, and farhan and jl then ewnt up with vivian to her house and left all the stained wood there to dry for the we then packed up the place after that...jl's dad then decided to come and fetch me and farhan back as well, however for convenience sake, i then asked jl's dad to stop me at the bus-stop which is quite near to the "Tampines Regional Library" that i then walked all the way from there to the "Tampines MRT Station" and took the MRT back home from there...upon reaching home, i then had a shower and my late dinner, which can be considered as supper as well technically then had a little of TV, before coming online now and started to now i'm totally tired...restless...lethargic...worn-out...exhausted...and stressed!!! much things yet to be done...class chalet... "TP RAWKS" for my SA...GL interview tommorow...getting that horse out of my thumbdrive this "FLIP FLIP FLIP" here flip there, everywhere flip that i still have to get to vivian's house by 9am tommorow in the morning, as i have to help her to carry the stained wood back to school to the workshop for another round of a few coats of staining again in it was nevertheless that we decided to meet in school tommorow at 9.30am in the workshop to continue the production and construction process for our furniture design for the "FLIP FLIP FLIP" unsurprisingly...i'm super duper worn-out and exhausted now, and by still having to wake up early tommorow, i guess that should be all for the day and that i will be tucking into bed soon as well...haha...hence until next time...c ya!! haha... =D

Dozing off... :-)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sun-Day..... basically got to wake up at 11plus in the morning and had my breakfast after a wash-up...haha...i then went on to had some TV since then until around 5plus in the was then when bro, Bryan, gave me a call and asked whether i wanted to accompany him to the library at Tampines to return a book which he had borrowed not long for him, the due date was just nice on the day he rerurned it to the library that we then went back to Simei and had a drink and got to walk around was quite boring though, as it was all the "same things" in much interesting there to take a closer look in that, ithen went home and got to shower at around 7plus in the got to watch the "Star Search 2007" on Channel was then TV all the way for me since then until 12plus midnight, i then went to bed as i still had to get up early the next day, which is today technically finish up my editing for my autocad drawing...and rush to the workshop to construct the furniture for the "FLIP Challenge 2007" i then went to bed...and then it was the next day when i woke"Monday"...haha...

So for today, i was basically late for school to finish up my autocad drawing in time in order to meet up with the rest on time to go to the workshop to construct the furniture for the "FLIP Challenge 2007"...haha...however, it was ok as i had quite edited most of the stuff in my autocad drawing which aida told me for some more trees which i can do it tommorow this will not be my submission for the assignment hurry...haha... =D i then went to plot my drawing in the plotting room at Level 5, and this time round i was certain that the computer has virus in there, as i saw clearly wit my eyes that it had appeared in the screen as a portion of an icon as i was doing the set-up for the plotting of my autocad luckily for me, i didn't pluck in my thumbdrives into the computer, and that i had deleted all the files which i had saved into the desktop for plotting play safe a well as not to save any changes made to my drawing in the the plotting, i then went to the cyber centre with jl, intending to get our thumbdrives "repaired" together with chan zee's as well as farhan's infected thumbdrives with us as"to get the HORSE out"...haha...quoted from jl earlier in the cad lab before going to the cyber, it was the same case as the workshop, where all the technicians and assistants had went out for their then went back to the cad lab and then went down to "The Business Park" along with the others to have our lunch school had just re-opened...nonetheless, the design canteen was "flooded" then had chicken cutlet rice with black pepper sauce been a long time since i last had it the meal, i went to ITAS with sh and met up with josephine, wc and, it was really time for FLIP back then, and after helping them to take care of their stuff when they went to get their food, i then rushed back to the design heavy workshop from ITAS and got to meet up with the rest...we then continued on to cut and "sand" some of the wood pieces for the it was only for a shprt while and a little work done only before it was 3pm, when it was our lesson time, and we then went back up to the cad lab for our class...quite a slack one for today's class...not much too do anyway, and i had not shown my edited drawing to aida yet as just got to watch some videos from youtube to kill the it was quite cold in the lab just now as well...haha...after class, we then went to had our dinner outside school at KFC at around 6plus in the evening, while we asked farhan to go home and have a rest first, as he was not feeling quite well abck then...not knowing why...haha...he had a flu i think...but anyway, we then went back to the workshop after our dinner outside school, and then continued sanding and cutting the pieces of wood for the furniture all the way until around 8plus at night coming to was then closing time for the wrokshop, we then packed up our stuff and left for home sweet home finally...haha...after one "long" the bus-stop, i got to met up with wc, sya, and this time round, i wanted to reach home asap as i wanted to get to tuck into bed asap as well after my shower and i still have to get up early tommorow and continue to cut and sand the wod pieces for the furniture when there is still such a "long long" way to that we have to finish the whole product by this wednesday, which is the day after effectively i got to take bus no. 23 this time round and went to "Tampines Interchange" there, i then took the MRT to "Simei MRT Station" was only one stop for me...haha...and then got to walk home from there...upon reaching home, i then got to shower and had a little of TV before coming to online and started to blog a cooling night it will be for me to sleep with...haha...guess it is going to rain tonight again...haha...but ijust hope that it won't be suataining till the next not, i will then not feel like waking up and coming to school that my lack of sleep will add further to my difficulty of waking up early'm quite restless now, and that i still have to get up early tommorow, hence i think i will be tucking into bed soon...haha...and thats should be all for the day as well...haha...hence till long folks!!haha... =D

Zooming off... :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2007


well, so it was Sarurday yesterday, and i basically went to the cad lab in school and continued to edit my autocad drawing there together, with josephine, sya, adrian, sh, wc, and after a while, sh then left when it was not even noon yet, and she said that she had almost completed her editing on her autocad drawing already, hence she decided to leave early for home to catch up her sleep i anyway, the rest of them then left not long after as well to the rendering studio, while leaving only me myself behind in the cad lab and continued to edit my autocad drawing...haha...a bit quite and "creepy" as the time passed, as the entire Level 6 was effectively "deserted", other than me myself in the cad, i then took intervals and went down to the rendering studio and crapped and slacked there with sya and the ain't "RICHARD HO"!!!and neither am i going to send my regards to him!!!lol...but if you want, you can always ask me to help you to order a bouquet for you to bring along with when you are going to send your regerds to "him" godzilla??lol...and under-water-creature-water??lol...however, it then came to a point where i started to hear "noises" in ths wc told me about some stuff regarding about the ecp trip the previous night after"creepy"...haha...i then went upto the cad lab and packed up my stuff, since it was already 4 plus in the afternoon and that wc and the rest were gong to leave the school as that i then took bus no. 69 with wc to the interchange...however, upon reaching the interchange, this time round neither of us were going to take bus no. 38 from there back you know why??this was because we were not going to go home =D as simple as wc then had to meet up with her family at the other side of the "Bedok MRT Station" underpass, while i was heading o my cousin's house which was at "Tanjong Katong Road" to watch an exciting match of "English Premier League" between Everton as well as unsurprisingly, both teams put up an exciting play-off during the match...haha...but just that Liverpool was still a bit "shut-down" for the first half, whereas it was everton who was the fast and consistent onein the first-half of the match...haha...nevertheless, it might be some dressing-down or lecture from the coach, Liverpool got to put up with a comeback in the secod-half of the with them turning the tables around, by being able to be in control of the second-half of the match against if i'm not wrong, it had also been quite a while since i last saw Liverpool puuting up such an exciting play-off with their opponent team...haha...lucky me, to be able to witness that "comeback" moment from i bet it's going to be another round of exciting "English Premier League" again for next it will be Liverpool coming up against with another powerhouse, Arsenal, lol...haha...and this is undoubtedly a "must-watch" match for any football fann out, Liverpool happened to have won against Everton by a score of with the two goals scored by the same player, "Kyut", and both happened to be penalties while Everton had lost a man earlier in the first half of the match form a red card issued by the first referee of the that Everton were suppose to have a two penalties kick-off as well, due to some tackling in the penalty box from the other they were not being granted the penalties, without knowing, both the coach and the players form the team were raged and felt a ray of unfairness to, the man of the match from Liverpool, Torres, did not played the match yesterday, as he had just recuperated from an leg injury i, i guess that the coach must be saving his top two players, Gerrard and Torres for the next match against Arsenal next week...haha...but according to my cousin, the coach was going to save up the both of them for their next match in the Champions League both matches which were played by them were only draws, and that they had never won any of the matched in theat league so it was maybe due to this that the coach had prepared his "secret recipe" for the next Champions League anyway, i just hope that Liverpool wins for their next match as well, despite any "unforseen circumstances" after the match, it was Manchester United up against Aston Villa next stop, as well as Chelsea up agiainst both matches at 12.10am and 10pm, i only got to watch the Chelsea match for the first half, before leaving for home sweet home from there, as it was already geeting kind of late, and i had to ensure that i was still able to make it for the last train back home to "Simei MRT Station" then reached home at around 12.15am...and i was quite restless already...thus i then went to have my shower and tucked into i think i shall stop for now, as it is quite a long post so far till the next entry...c ya!! =D

Signing off... :-)

Saturday, October 20, 2007


haha...well as usual, i didn blog for yesterday, which is friday as for yesterday, it was not quite an "okay" day for me in the design heavy workshop, as we had encountered some problems during the cutting of the wood for the "flip" challenge it was due to that there was not enough wood for us to cut anymore for from the poppler wood, which was 8 feet long only technically, however that both pieces of the poppler wood were of different widths, even though they were of the same it was also the first time in my life by having to cut that much amount of wood in one day in a i did not take D&T as a subject when i was in secondary, buy having to use those "initially scary" cutting instruments to cut the wood, i was unsurprisingly kind of a bit afraid of that i would cut my finger again, and as that i had once cut my finger before using a penknife, and that i even had stitches due to that, nevertheless, this had added to my amount of "so-called-fear" when i was going to use those cutting machines to cut the, as i progressed, i had even found it quite fun to be able to cut the wood using those, i asked from farhan and jl whether i could cut the rest of the wood later when the need, meanwhile as we were cutting the wood in the workshop, the problem came when we suddenly discovered that we did not have enough poppler wood to cut for the rest of the parts of the design for the one of the pieces of the wood was even cracked, and that we could not cut it, as it would spoil the whole piece of we could only just cut it away form the other part of the "unharmed' wood...haha...we then sat down and discussed gloomily about the problem outside LT 25 at one of the benches after the workshop, i then went up to the 4th floor outside the staff room and asked aida out to guide us for the problem, however she sounded quite pissed when she came out of the staff room, like that i had interrupted for something important...but i hope then went to the workshop with us and was quite pissed about the problem, maybe she thought that we took for granted that both pieces of the similar wood which were given to us must be of the same then the problem was then solved when she asked us if whether we couldstain the wood and avertform the problem of "unequalness" in the distribution of the colour of the wood pieces when it is constructed into our final design for the then went up to the cad lab with farhan, but with him leaving for home about ten minutes then i went down to the rendering studio to ask if there is anybody who will be using the cad lab laterto finish up their autocad drawings...i then saw farhan thought he went home already...haha...after that, wc, sya, adrian, eileen and i then went back to the cad lab and edited some of the drawings...haha...and then it was not long after, where we all started laughing like what we did when we were still in the same class back wc suggested that we go to ecp as she wanted to go there and "relax", sya, adrian and i then accompanied her then started to laugh at each other at the slightest thing which each of us that i hope that had brought back some ofthe laughters which u had back then wc, and that it had really helped to relax u a then had some chicken wings and satay there for our "dinner" i;m really going to have more than 5 meals everyday if the quantity of it is going to be like that for the meal, we then walked to one ofthe pavillions which is just further away from the we then started to take some inpromptu and fun pix funny...but really thanks for the fun time i really needed this a lot, and that i also believed that it had been a long time since i last had such a crazy time with these, wc, and adrian...haha...after that , it was then time for home sweet home and i had my shower upon reaching home, and then had a little of TV before tucking into bed, as i was going to meet up with wc and the rest again the next day for autocad in the cad lab...haha...and we planned to meet up at 10am the next morning at the TP then...guess that's all for yesterday and that it's quite long post as well till the next long folks!!haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

argh...irritating virus...... it was like a super unlucky day for me...maybe it's time for my first, i was absolutely sure that i didn't pluck in my thumbdrive into e infected pc in the plotting room...but then i plucked it in to the other pc in the end, as i the infected pc could not read my file in it, hence i wanted to check whether it was still there in the other knows that it can't read as it was only when i went back to the cad lab and open my file in the pc there, then i saw that my file was gone!!!argh...and that there is a virus being detected in my thumbdrive...argh...irritating...and it seriously happened at the wrong time...just as i was going to print and show it to aida later in class...and that i seriously panicked like nobody's business, that i had even accidentally left other people's stuff at elsewhere after i borrowed it from them, such as paul's hp and youyi's thumbdrive...sorry guys...but i seriously panicked like i had never panicked before just now...and it was terrible...i then ran all the way to the cyber centre with paul accompanying me...thanks...and that the technician there had actually removed both the virus file and the "infected hidden recycled file" from my thumbdrive...which paul and i had both testified it by seeing it that it was cleared from my thumbdrive and that it was not in there, it was only after when i had saved some of my editing to the drawing, after being critiqued by aida, i then opened my thumbdrive again, and found out that the edited file which i replaced it in my thumbdrive was not saved at all, and that the non-edited file wa still there instead...argh...what;s going on...and that the "infected hidden recycled file" was still in my thumbdrive strangely and shockingly...argh...then after school went to IKEA with my mum to buy the TV console and some cushions for my new house, however they were all temporarily out of stock...argh...what's exactly going on today??!!argh...then after that when i came back, the bathroom light was spoilt and that it was already too late to go and purchase another new light bulb, as all the shops selling it had already closed for the day...argh...i then had to carry the table and the stool to and fro from the bathroom to the other bathroom in the study my mum said that she will then go and buy the light bulb tommorow...and that she suggested me to swap over the light bulbs first, and that to fix the new one back it was strange as the light bulb in the bathroom was only just changed not quite long ago as well, but according to my mum, there were some black parts on the spoilt light bulb, and that it maybe burnt, hence for it to be unable to work anyway, it was really quite an unlucky day for me a everything was not going smoothly and as predicted as i thought it ti really pray hard now that my thumbdrive isn't infected anymore, and that my edited work is still i should not be able to sleep well for the night, but anyway, nights and sweet dreams folks...c ya... =(

Worrying off... :-(

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

busy, busy, busy......

for today, ibasically got up early in the morning, and that i had to drag myself up again as i seriously did not have enough sleep at all for the previous that i had eventually at around 8.15am in the i am supposed to wake up at 8am instead, and to be school by around 8.45am in the is just before aida come into the cad lab for her morning DaDra class...haha...nevertheless, i got to school after 9am, and that as what i did for the previous day, i went into the other computer lab which was just beside the cad lab, and there i saw farhan inside wandering might be due to the fact that he had just reached the lab as well before i we then settled down for a while, before paul came in as well...haha...nonetheless, paul and farhan then started to play "DOTA" in the lab, while i was watching something on "Youtube" on the net...haha...which was quite boring to me, that did not last for quite a long time, instead, halfway through in the lab, sh then suddenly asked me on msn why was it that farhan paul and i still had not went into the cad lab yet, and not surprisingly, i told her that aida was inside and that there might not be enough computers in the cad lab for all of us to use to finish our 100% of our final assignment 2 drawing for, after that, i told farhan and paul about it, and we then went into the cad, only farhan's computer could work back then, and thus jl, paul and i, were not able to do anything in the cad lab for our final asignment 2 then came to sh's seat and told her that we could actually use the "temporarily unoccupied" IAD lab, which were owned by the "seniors" getting that information...we then packed up our stuff and then quickly went to the lab and started to continue on each of our autocad drawings...haha...while farhan stayed behind to do his work, as his computer was working fine, and hence he did not need to go to the lab with us and use the computer there to do his work as some time, aida's morning DaDra class ended, as we saw her walking into the lab which paul, jl, sh and i were in back then...haha...and wanted to check out whether we could do our drawings n the computers some of the computers might not have the "updated" autocad software in unsurprisingly, she was "unwilling" to answer any of our questions which regarded about our autocad drawings..."argh"'s just allowing her work to "disrupt" with her lunch a while, we then went out to school to eat with the others from the morning DaDra our lunch outside the school at "Techno" coffee-shop, we then went back to school as some of us in the afternoon DaDra class still have some more stuff to finish up in our autocad drawings for the final the rest packed up their stuff in the cad lab, and went off to their architectural rendering studio to complete some of their "rendering" that, it was then off to work for the rest of us in the cad lab until around 3pm in the afternoon, when aida then came in and started her afternoon DaDra class with then continued to work on our drawings in class, as she wants to see the first draft print of our autocad final assignment drawings by tommorow before the start of the which, we then worked on it all the way till around 6plus pm in the evening, after aida had left her class, and that i decided to go off first as i had something else to handle later...haha...while the others stayed back to finish up their autocad, i then called up sh and asked her where she was, so that i could join up with her and wc and the rest and go home then got to meet up with them at the "mushroom" area...after that, we then walked to the bus-stop opposite the school and took bus no 69 to bedok there, sya and i had our dinner, while wc had some snacks, potato chips, while sh had some hot dessert...upon finishing our food, we then went off for home sweet home, while sh went to her sister's house, which was all the way at "Serangoon", while sya went off to take another bus at the interchange back wc and i then took bus no 38, and wc got off first before me, and i got off later at the bus-stop at "Simei MRT Station" walked back home from there...having to reach back home, i then got to have my shower and had a little bit of TV, before coming online now and started blogging...haha...well, quite a "predicted" day again for with that, i guess that that should be all for the day as well...haha...and hoping for a better tommorow for myself and everyone out it who you, till the nest entry again...c ya folks!! =D

Leaving off... :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

...back to school......

oh well, i actually got to wake up quite late on monday, and nonetheless, i was late for the met up with jl and farhan in school to construct the mock-up, coincidentally, just as i was going to the design entrance and deciding to settle down there and make a call to jl to ask her where was she in order for me to meet her saw farhan and jl walking towards one of the benches at the design entrance as that, we then got to settle down at one of the benches at the design entrance...before we then started to construct the mock-up model to let aida to have a look at it later in the afternoon at around 1pm when we were going to meet her up later as the construction, vivian then came and joined us for the construction, as we were going to finish the construction of the mock-up started to rain quite heavily, and that the raindrops were all "splashing" into the design entrance (the benches area) thus we then had no choice but to shift our construction process location to one of the benches outside the Level 4 staff that, we then continued the construction process, before the mock-up model was completed not long it was then when we decided to call aida out from the staff room and to have a look at our final mock-up it was also then when aida had agreed with us that we could then start on with the actual construction process of the final poduct...and it was then when we finally knew that we could at least "take a break" that, we then went to one of the benches which was just outside LT24, and waited for vivian to take her bag down from the cad lab, and to go and have luuch together at "Techno" coffee-shop which was just opposite the as vivian had went to did her business, we waited for quite a while, until there was almost not enough time for us to have our lunch...thus, jl and vivian then went to the design canteen and bought some "finger-food" to hte cad lab, while farhan, huiyin and i went up to the cad lab that, it was then class for us, where we had to plot and print for our final "Hands-On Exerxise" for class, we were then actually told by aida that we have to finish at least 80% of our final drawing for our final assignment 2 for thus, we were left with no choice, but to stay back after our class at 6pm in the evening, and it was then when we had stayed in the cad lab all the way up till around 10pm plus at night, when after some of us had finished the 80% which aida wanted us to do so by the next DaDra that she will do a progresive check everyday, in which she will then award us marks for the completion of that 80% for the next for me, i had finished at least 80% before her lesson started just now, which was after that, we then left for home sweet home, and that upon reaching home, i was very "exhausted" that i got to bed after my it was then the next day...which effectively speaking, it was today..."Tuesday"...haha...

well for today, i basically woke up quite early in the morning, and i thus had to drag myself up again as i was still quite restless when i woke up i then had my breakfast and shower, before going to school early again, however this time round, i wanted to go to school early as i wanted to finish my 80% of the autocad drawing for my final assignment 2 before my DaDra class starts in the afternooon at 3pm, when i reached school, i suddenly thought of that whether i could actually enter the cad lab with the morning DaDra class already having their lessons that would aida even allow me to do so??lol...haha...just then, i decided to go to the PID lab which was just next to the cad lab, and to use the computer there for a while first, before going into the cad lab again after aida had left the morning DaDra class for the it was just then when i saw paul he then msg wc and asked her to let him know after aida had left the class, so that we could both go in and finish our 80% for the autocad it was at about 11plus am when wc msg back paul that aida had left the class already, and that we could then go into the cad lab and use the computer inside to finish our 80% of the a while, i then went down for lunch at the design canteen together with liyana...haha...and when i came back from lunch, farhan was actually using the computer which i had used earlier to finish the 80% of my i had to shift to the other computer instead at the other aisle to do my work there not long after, farhan then went down together with the rest and had their lunch at the design anteen as well...however, farhan then came bcak up again after a while to finish up his 80% of the drawing as long after, the others came back from their lunch...and it was then 3pm in the afternoon later, when those who were supposed to go for their next architectural rendering class went for it, and that the rest stayed in the cad lab for the afternoon DaDra it was then busily drawing and questions for aida again to assist us in our drawings along the that, it was then 6pm in the evening, and aida then had to leave where her class had ended effectively for the day...haha...and then the other students from the architectural rendering class then came back to the cad lab again, and this time round, all of us have to complete the drawing 100% by the next day before our lesson, most of us started to "speed up" in our work, in order to complete the drawing by a 100% in, i then felt a bit hungry again, and then went to "CHEERS" at the "Business School" to getsome food to along with farhan and liyana as well...haha...after that, we then went back to the cad lab and continued to finish up our drawing by unfortunately, most of us including me myself did thus, we then got to work through the night again until around 9plus this time round at night...haha...befor eleaving for home sweet home...and i then went and take bus 69 to the "Bedok Bus Interchange" with Syaqina and wc, and with syaqina alighting at one of the bus-stops along the way to the at the interchange, wc and i then went on and took bus no 38 back home, with wc alighting at a bus-stop earlier than mine, while i alighted at the bus-stop at "Simei MRT Station" then got to alk back home from reaching home, i then got to have a shower and had a little of TV, before coming online now and started to well, i'mactually quite "worn-out" now as well, and that i have to get to school early tommorow morning, in order to be able to stay in the class together with those in the morning DaDra class to finish up my drawing 100%, i guess that should be all for the day, and that i will be turning in as soon as after i switch off my computer...haha...hence, till the next post...c ya!! =D

Dozing off... :-)


so my mum and i were supposedly going to meet up with my uncle at "Tampines MRT Station", however, as my mum mentioned that she actually needed to go to the new house and boil some water to serve my uncle later there first, hence she left first, and asked me to wait behind for my uncle and bring him to my new house, as he had never been there our way there, it started to rain, and that thus i had to make several "unnecessary" and "BIG" turns in order to get to my new house without being reaching my new house, my uncle got to repair my light in my room, fixed up one of the cabinets in my sister's room, and got to check out whether the TV is still "working" or not...haha...and that there were actuall ystill some stuff which were yet to be fixed, hence my mum had asked my uncle whether he could visit my new house and finish the rest of the stuff which needed to be done as soon as possible, as we will be going to shift to there that, i then went to my grandpa's temple and prayed there...haha...and after that upon which i got to play with the dog really had been ages since i last visited the temple and got to play with the dog it really was so fun...haha...good =D after that, i then went to my cousin's house at "Tanjong Katong", and i then got to watch one of the soccer matches there...haha..."England V.S. Estonia" for the "EURO CUP 2008" it was not that exciting to it was worth it after all and fun to catch up with my cousins like old times...such as getting to watch soccer together...haha...and after that...wahaha... =D lol...i got to play "MAHJONG"!!!!!!!lol...haha...had also been almost a "century" since i last touched the mahjong that it was so fun to be able to play mahjong with my cousins there...haha...talking about playing with the "professionals" after that, i got to play with their dog there as kind of like dogs a they are seriously so "FUN" to play with...haha...and it had also been a long time since i last even got to "touch" their not long after, it was then time for home sweet i felt quite reluctant to leave back then, as i was wondering when will i then get the chance again to spend the rest of my upcoming "Saturdays"...and having that much fun again as i am spending my got to reach back home at around 12plus in the midnight, which was quite late already in, i then got to shower and tucked into bed after i was quite "worn-out" back then already as well...haha...and it was then the next day..."Sunday" for "Sunday", i then got to meet up with jialing and farhan for the "Flip" competition at the "Tampines Regional Library" at around 2plus in the which jl was late as she got to be part of a film which had just took place at her workplace earlier, and that she even got the chance to have a picture taken together with some of the "MediaCorp Artistes" her...haha...only work for that day and that they also just nice only went to film there on that upon meeting up, we then went to the "MacDonald's" at the interchange (the one which is just next to KFC at the CPF Building) then sat outside and started to finalise our ideas for the competition and upon which, we also had a "considered solid" brainstorming and discussion about the ideas for the which lasted for about 5 whole which when we ended our discussion, it was already at around 8pm at then felt hungry and decided to go to KFC which was just next to the "MacDonald's" to have our dinner then when we reached there, jl and farhan were going to ask for some KFC coupons there, as it would be more worthwhile then and not that expensive to have our meal, due to jl's "embarrassing" act in front of one of the cashiers at KFC, we then ended up going to the "Food Culture" at "Century Square" and had our dinner there in which jl's embarassing act, for those of you who are in my class, you may feel free to ask her what did she actually did which had actually made her felt embarrassed...and not to have our meal as for the rest...well, it was nothing much actually as after our meal at "Food Culture", we then left for home sweet upon reaching home, i then got to have my shower and had a little of TV...before turning into bed after i was going to go to school the next day to meet up with jl and farhan to construct the mock-up model for our final idea for the "Flip" competition at around 11am outside the TP i then went to sleep...and upon which it was then the next"Monday"...haha...but well, i guess it's quite a long post so far i think i shall stop here and continue my entries in the next ost till long folks!! =D

Signing off... :-)

Monday, October 15, 2007

had been "SO LONG" since i last had a "FUN" & "FILLING" =D

oh a wonderful, fun, and filling weekend i had for this week, and which had been ages since i had last spent my weekend that it just had been "boredom" for me for the past few on Saturday morning, i actually got to wake up at around 8plus in the morning, and then went to my new house at "Tampines' with my then got meet up with one of my uncle at "Tampines MRT Station" he was going to come to my new house together with my mum to fix my lights in my room there...haha...shall continue next time my sis wants to use the com till next time...c ya!! =D

Signing out... :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

yee pee!! off for the day again!! haha... =D

well, i got the day off again from nevertheless, i woke up at around 1 plus in the afternoon just now...haha...then got to watch a little bit of TV, then came to online now and started to guess i will be suffering from boredom again later at home, while having nothing to do is it always like this??!! when i'm so free like "nobody's business", then i will then have nothing to do...but when i'm so busy that i don't even have the time to eat nor sleep, i will have a tonnes of other "appointments" to reject that's should be all for now...or at for the time until next long folks...haha... =D

Leaving off... :-)

lost for words......

well, today was an "OK" day for me...but i'm not sure how the day had been for the, for me, i basically woke up at around 9am in the morning, when i am supposed to wake up at 8.30am i really have to drag myself out of bed this time round...haha...and that i did not felt like coming to scholl that i wished that i could sleep longer at that point in time...however, i couldn't as i have to meet up with farhan and jialing in the morning at 10.30am in school to finalise the new idea for our, jialing and farhan then text me and claimed that they will be late as jialing's alarm clock didn't rang as set (according to haha...and that farhan was stuck in the bus in a traffic jam at TPE, as there was an acccident...oh...well, at least now i know that the day had not been a good one for someone lucky for me, as i was just going to step out of the house, i then received both SMSes from jialing and farhan...haha...nonetheless, i went back to the sofa and had a "short" nap for around half an hour...before deciding to leave for school to meet up with the both of them after i woke reaching school, i then met up jl an we then started to discuss about other new ideas for the that, we then went up to the cad lab and met up with vivian and the the lab, i helped wc a little with her "layering" for one of the "hands-on exercises" after a while, jl, vivian, and i then went to have our lunch at the design canteen...and it was another "secondary school day" for me this time round, i have to rush to finish eating my food, as we have to meet up with aida as planned on the previous day in fifteen minutes time back then...which was going to be at after our meal, we then went out to Level 4 at one of the benches outside the benches and met up with aida together with farhan as finally, the final idea was having to be confused halfway through during the aida had misunderstood one of the "concept" of our that, we then went up to the cad lab for our class at around 2pm, while leaving vivian behind at the the class, i then went to the desin canteen and got to meet up with wc paul and sh not long after sh and paul had finished their "dinner"...we then left for home sweet it was then where we got to meet up with josephine at the bus-stop, bus 69 came after that, and we then boarded the bus. leaving josephine alone at the bus-stop reaching the interchange, i then got to take bus no 38 with wc and she alighted the bus first not long i alighted at the bus-stop at "Simei MRT Station" there, i then started to walk back home...after reaching home, i then had my shower and dinner, and then had a little bit of TV...before coming online now and started to well...haha...guess that's should be all for the till the next post...c ya!! =D

Vanishing off... :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

oh well...i guess we really have no choice then......

so upon reaching school today...i met up with jialing and vivian at one of the benched at the Design School's farhan was going to be late for the meeting with that, jialing, vivian, and i then went to one of the benches outside the staff room at Level 4, and then met up with aida to explain to her about our finalised design for the competition, by using the scaled model along the way...haha...and aida had actually indirectly wanted us to think of another idea, despite our tough and long hours of discussion anf finalising for the past few she said that she had somehow or rather seen or that the design was quite familiar with, she had asked us to come out with a new design and to show it to her the meeting with aida...farhan then arrived and we told him that aida was not quite "in" for the idea which we had been brainstorming for the past few days, and that we have to come out with another new idea and to show it to her tommorow...haha...we then stayed at the bench there and continued to brainstorm on other ideas for the "Flip Challenge 2007", where i was cnstructing another rough model of an idea which i had thought, jialing, vivian, and farhan had actuallt told me that my idea was quite complicated and it may be quite time-consuming due to really flew past...and it was then 2pm in the afternoon, where jialing, farhan and i had to go for our class at the cad lab again at Level the class, we then stayed back for a while to brainstorm on a few more ideas for the "Flip Challenge 2007" vivian was unable to join us in the cad lab as she needed to go for a caregroup...haha...after some time, jialing, farhan, and i then went down to the "Materials Store" at Level 1 and took down the measurements of both the two types of wood which were given to us as part of our materials to construct the design for the competition...haha...after that, we then went to the "The Designers'" canteen, where jialing and i had bought chicken chop (take-away) and brought back to the cad lab and ate it, as we were really starving back then, where we did not have our lunch we then went back to the cad lab and ate our food, where it was then when farhan decided for us to meet up tommorow in school early again to discuss sbout our ideas for the competition, instead of staying back in the cad lab to brainstorm on other ideas, where we were quite "drained" and "worn-out" as well after the day...haha...nevertheless, after we finished eating our food in the cad lab, jialing, farhan and i then packed up or stuff and left for home sweet home, where jialing and farhan went off i went to the library and got to met up wit sh, wc, josephine and paul...and after a while, it was then home sweet home for all of us...i then went home with wc by taking bus no. 38 with her...haha...while in the bus, i had gave her some of my advise and encouraged her not to be that sad anymore...haha...cheer up k??lol...upon reaching home, i then had my dinner first even before i had my shower, as i was really famished back then after i had reached back home...haha...and it was fried-rice and "Satay-meat" for me for, it was quite a delicious meal for me...even though if it was not that filling for me after all...haha...but overall it was still quite "satifactory" for me...haha...after that, i then had my shower and got to watch a little bit of TV, before coming to online now and started to'm actually quite exhausted and restless now in i did not have a "sumptuous" sleep again on the previous, i guess that's all for the day, and that i hope that it will be a better tomorrow for me and everybody out there as well...haha...and that thus i will be turning in quite soon as until the next entry...c ya folks!! =D

Zomming out... :-) it comes again......

so it was another "boring" Saturday for me, luckily for me this time round, i was watching the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" video discs which i had borowed from sh on the previous day for the whole day long...haha...well, not really for the whole day long, but for most of the day...haha...and at least that it is able to cure my "boredom" sickness which i have been suffering for as usual on normal weekend "Saturdays" when i have nothing on, thus to stay at home and rot for thw whole was then so engrossed with the series film that i couldn't even bear for any "cliff-hangers" of the series film in my =D nonetheless, after finishing watching some of the "Part 1" video discs which i had borrowed form sh on the previous day, i then went to "Poh Kim" at ep in eager to borrow the rest of the episodes of the series video discs from the video discs rental secondly, this will cure my "boredom" sickness again thankfully for the next day, which is also as well as Sunday...haha...and as usual, another boring weekend Sunday for most of the time when i'm staying at home, and having nothing on to do as for me, the rest of the episodes of the series video discs was still available in the rental shop for rent at that point in, it was basically TV for me for almost the whole was the next day..."Sunday" "dreadful" day for me it has been "boredom" for me on these days when i'm staying at home and having nothing on to

so it was then Sunday...and i then got to continue to watch the rest of the continued episodes of the series film for almost the whole day, that was actually good enough, at least for me to cure my "boredom" sickness at home on a normal Sunday...haha...thus, it was apparently TV for almost the whole of Sunday for me again...haha...yee pee!! at least no more suffering from "boredom" for me for that was then off to bed for me as i will be having school for the next after watching the last video discs which i had wanted to watch for the day, it was then off to bed for me where i had a "sumptous"

and then, it was the next day for me...Monday...haha...i got to met up with shan at the bus-stop, and we then went to "Audi 2" together, where four of the courses in the school (which consists of fresmen only for that session) had a "Student-Comm" session with the school's Direstor, "Moses' was quite boring at the the "traditional" inspirational talk...and this time round...he gave us one word to motivate us as fellow designers of the the word was "EDGE"...and he was conveying the word to us with regards to motivate us...and it was to "Get On With The EDGE" then he showed us a video clip on a "four-finger" korean pianist...who had "Get On With The EDGE" in her life in order to motivate and encourage others as a pianist was quite "moving" in fact...and it was also the first time where i had witnessed tears windling in Moses's eyes...haha...and that his face was also quite "red" as the session, i then went with vivian, jialing, and farhan to meet up with aida about our finalised design for the "Flip Challenge 2007"...haha...and for the whole of this week, i have not been having my "lunche(s)" in no difference from fasting as that, we then went to class in the cad lab...and then it was home sweet home for me after class...haha...quite a tiring day for me on that it may be due to the fact that i did not have enough sleep on the previous day...haha...and then it was off to bed for me quite late i wanted to watch finish the last three episodes of the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" series, it was then off to bed for me at around 2 plus coming to 3am in the it was not a very "satisfied" sleep for me in terms of its duration for me to "recharge" i have to wake up early the next morning to meet up with vivian, jialing, and farhan again to discuss about our design for the "Flip Challenge 2007' it was the next

i woke up quite early at around 10 plus (with regards to what timei slept on the previous night) it was the "draggy" feeling again for me which i had been feeling when i was still in my secondary school i dragged myself up and got to have a shower and had my breakfast, then went to school and met up with vivian, together with jialing and farhan, whom i had met up with earlier in the bus...haha...such a then continued our discussion about our finalised design for the competition...and then met up with aida at around 1pm later to update and inform her about our progression so was then 2pm and it was off to class for jialing, farhan and then went for our at the cad lab again...and after class...we then met up with vivian, and we then went to "Techno" (coffee-shop), which was just opposite the school to have our dinner outside, and we could then continue to discuss, and finish our discussion on the design for the "Flip Challenge 2007" it we reached there at around 7plus pm in the we discussed on the design until around 9pm...before going back to school where it was "quieter" to construct the prototype model of our finalised design for the competition to scale, which aida wanted to see it on the next that as jialing, vivian, and farhan wanted to go back to school and use the toilet there...haha...while i had already emptied my bladder at the coffee-shop earlier just now...haha...upon reaching back at school, we carried on to construct our model for the finalised design to scale...and it was quite a mad session for us with farhan...haha...where it came to a part when it was quite deafening to jialing, vivian, and (so sudden and, we then finished constructing the model at around 10pm...before deciding that i shall take the access and leftover "styrofoam board" (to construct the model to scale) home...while jialing had "volunteered" to take the model home it was then home sweet home for us...and we decided to meet at 12.30 pm in te afternoon on the next day to "prepare" ourselves for the meet-up with aida later on in order to explain to her about our finalised design for the competition, and while by using the scaled model to do it upon reaching home, i then had my shower and this time round, it was off for bed for me at around 2plus am again in the i wanted to watch some of the "in-between" scenes as well as the episodes of the "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" series film which i had not watched and thus, "lost-track" at some of the scenes while i was watching the whole series after that, it was then off to bed for me at around 2plus am again, and i had to wake up at around 10.30am on the next morning, it was another "unsatisfied" sleep for me as i did not have enough time to "rejuvenate" myself during my it was another "secondary school morning" for me on the next day again for me where i have to drag myself that terribly in order to get myself up from the bed "successfully" it was then Wednesday for me...haha...and which was today technically i guess it is quite a long post so far i think i shall continue my entry in the next post till next long folks!! =D

Zomming off... :-)

Monday, October 8, 2007

...again...but i know it's going to end soon......

lol...didn't blog again for the past few days, which is effectively since from Thursday that case...i think i will just continue my entries updates from Thursday onwards well...for Thursday, i had basically asked sh to lend me her "Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi" video that i can be able to watch it when i felt bored at home doing that it was also due to the fact that i basically wanted to watch finish the whole series of it desperately, with its "exciting" storyline (at least to my own preference of view), lol...haha...and that sh even asked me to remind her to bring the discs on that day as she indeed has an extremely serious problem of "STM" (short for for "Short Term Memory), lol...haha...neverthless, by having to remind her to bring the video discs twice, which included one on the previous day and the other on the actual day ahich was on that day itself, she had still forgot to bring the video discs to school on that day to lend me to watch well...then she asked me to call her the next time when i am reminding her, and that to ask her to put the video discs in her bag when i am reminding her on the well, so after that it was just school for me and it was another interesting lesson of autocad again...haha...after school, i then went home and went out with bryan and wendy later at night for dinner outside...haha...and n the way outside, we got to meet up with christopher coincientally and he had "teased" bryan unconsciously...haha...which made him felt quite after the "outing", bryan and i then went back to his condo and we got to talk for some time outside the gym at one of the benches...haha...and it was also then where he decided to tell me the reason why he felt bad at christopher's comment at him earlier at "Ya Kun"...haha...and thus i also told him some of my stuff to be "equal" with each other as then got to chit chat until one plus in the midnight, before heading back for home swet home...haha...upon reaching home...i then got to have a shower and tucked into i will still be having school the next friday it was...and this time round...i called sh and asked her to put the video discs in her bag first, before jer "STM" gets a relapse in fact, it was even all the time where sh's "STM" gets a relapse (that means she can be quite forgetful all the time...haha...), lol...haha...nonetheless, i went to school, and this time round sh had brought the discs to school "successfully" it was then all thanks to my "conscientious" reminder earlier in the day...haha...then went to class and had another fun lesson on autocad to learn how to use the "polar array" (for those of you in my course should know what i am referring to), haha...then after school, got to go to wismaatria with sh and paul to fix his hp at "Sony Ericsson"...haha...just still can't figure out about the problem which raised out to sh and paul on that day about then got to wait for quite some time at "Sony Ericsson" at "Wisma Atria" after havng our dinner at the 'Food Republic" there...haha...however the wait was so long, that sh had finished reading her "NG Boy (Part 2)" comics book...and i had also just woke up from a "delicious" nap...haha...after that, we then got to head back for our home sweet home...upon reaching home, i then got to change into my gym attire and went to gym with Bryan again at his condo...haha...after that, we then had a "shorter" chat this time round at one of the benches outside the gym then went back to home sweet home after that...upon reaching home, i the got to shower and went to bed as i was quite restless and "worn out" on that sis wants to use the pc guess i would only have to update it another time till then...c ya folks...haha... =D

Signing out... :-)