Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wee!! :-) (one more day!!) hahas...

ps ppl, didn blog ytd coz dun haf e time to, doing tutorial 2 for those of u who noe in my class :-)
yep, todae submitted tutorial 2, so now still left with the group assignment and the last tutorial, tutorial fast...just completed half of the block, now still left with the other half...can still remember what had i been doing at this point in time for the past two blocks...yep..for those of u in my class, those 2 blks r e Art as well as e ivm blocks...for ivm which was e block before e previous one, at this point in time we were doing our assignments 2 n 3, and it was after we got our photos from both CK Tangs and Little India...then for art block which was e previous one, we were doing on our landscape painting of bedok reservoir...but now, this block, here i am slacking,blogging, hahas...code for the day, "time waits for no man" :-)...hahas...sounds "cim" still, its natural that time flies and that no man can stop it...what i can do is to enjoy the moments i have, and to cherish it every now and then,yep,hahas...:-) (so boring, but still, its life,hahas...)

that should be all for the day folks...until then...

signing out =D

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