Friday, August 31, 2007

Etched Always :-)

Thanks for the class tribute video uploaded onto youtube...really appreciated it alot...actually...intended to took photos of my tpss former school campus yesterday...i got a few..but not that as many as i had expected it to be..haha....but although it was not caught on film, they had already been caught in my mind when i graduated from the bahs i feel like home sweet home when i went back to tpss many of my besties there, always involuntarily have a smile on their faces, and were quite reluctant to leave after that when we had to, as we had such strong bonds between each other in the class, always there for each other, unlike poly, where i got to face emo people there, then must also put up with their false faces at times to accomodate with the emo people...and it can be so tough at times...but when i stepped back into my former secondary school, it was like an aiding breath from my second home sweet home...haha...really missed out the times with my secondary school friend a lot, always joke around and the whole class will just laugh as a whole without any pressure together, so united and cooperated, really quite reluctant to leave thus when i had to...but still, hoe that we ca have more class outings yeah?? a class bbq or class chalet...also missed my teachers a lot as they had really taught me a lot be it inside textbook or outside textbooks (right human values), and they too always have a smile on their faces which makes me feel like my second home as well, and that i do not have any pressure when coming to have a normal chat with i wish if time could just revert back and that i could spend more time with my teaches and my class, *4E1 2006 Forever*, but still...knowing that bidding farewells are part and parcel of my life, thus i just bid farewell to them yesterday and hoping that there will be more class gatherings, where our teachers could come along as well, that owuld be really memorable... :-) Guess that should be all for now...till then...

signing off... :-)

Fun!!Fun!!Fun!! :-)

finally, got to see my fellow ex-teachers in my secondary school and my ex-classmates as well. looking at my ex-teachers, it seemed like it was only yesterday where i bid farewell to them...Anyway,yesterday just went back to tpss first, got to see my ex-teachers and ex-classmates. After that, we went up to the school library for a buffet meal which was actually meant for the Teachers' refreshments!!hahas...because the teachers had all left and tat there were still a lot of food left, so some of us felt hungry and decided to fill our grumbling stomachs with the food...omg..the tom yam beehoon was so 2 plates of the beehoon, a tuna puff, and two egg tarts, shiok yum...after that went to Tao Nan primary school with a smaller group of my friend this tim round, as the others wanted to go n play land...oh well, then only left with me, chris, ivan, kelvin, bryan and tc to go back to Tao Nan...not sure whether it is a long journey or other issues, as chris was feeling giddy at the coming end of the bus ride...but he sure felt better after alighting the bus, so maybe the bus keep on stop and move continuously and that it was quite a harsh weather yesterday...anyway, after reaching tao nan, we went to find our ex-english language teacher, Miss looked so different now as compared to last year when we saw her, then we got to chat about how she finds teaching in Tao Nan as compared to tpss and about our current learning environments in our various polytechnics as well as junior Miss Leong told us that the Teachers' Day concert in the school this year was organized by her as well, hence she asked us to go up and take a look at her masterpiece...haha...and for something else which maybe more appealing to him chris, xiao di di the voice haven't crack yet, wait he crack ready then sing again then compare...haha...after watchng the concert, we went to the staffroom and took a look at Miss Leong's, all the tables in the staff room were quite short in terms of the height (maybe to cater to the primary school, and that there were a lot of colourful and different variations of sizes and types of gifts found on all of the teachers' tables...haha...but for Miss Leong's one, there were gifts as well, but majority of them should be food...haha...even got a nicely wrapped apple for her...then we continues to chit chat there until round 3 plus , then Miss eong had to ga back and wash-up for another function later at night which are for the teachers only...haha...actually the same goes for my secondary school teachers in tpss, they too will be having a function later at Miss Leong, FOC if you want me to help you design your house interior in the future...haha...this will be my appreciation for you for being patient in teaching my English Language :-) ... well, after that, we bid farewell to Miss Leong, although it seemed like yesterday we all bid farewell to each other when we were still in our school uniforms, it seem like a long long time again before we can see her again on the next Teachers' Day next year...kind of reluctant, but still, we bid farewell to Miss Leong and then went to suntec for a meal, i did not eat anything as i had already done so in tpss, for those of you who remember...haha...after that went to COMEX @ Suntec then tc have t o go...c ya again sometime soon..haha...after that we went to COMEX and chris was looking for a computer, got a lot of pamphlets and brochures about all the IT stuff sold there, not long after, chris had to go off as well, c ya soon oso...then left with me, kelvin, bryan, and ivan...then went to catch a movie at Cathay Cineleisure, Evan Almighty, not bad la, not that funny as Rush Hour 3, but its more of a "The Hero Saves The Day" with a "Happily Ever After" ending...haha...I like the animals part, since from young I am interested to be close with animals and get to know how about their habitats as well as their different types of behaviours...after that we then went back to simei and ivan had a meal at Long John Silvers...when that was over, me n bryan then bid farewell to ivan and kelvin, c ya all soon as for the both of us, we went back to change into our gym attire and went down to gym at Simei Green a job lobang from Damian...thanks...after gyming we then went to supper...on the way there, met xue kai on his way some time since he last met up with us as well...he then joined us as well for me bryan damian xue kai and edwin then went to the nearby kopitiam for supper, at there, he gave us quite a few hard-boiled eggs to eat with each hard-boiled egg having something on it, some wth a ribbon, some with a smiling face, and some with alphabets on it, later then we know that it's actuaaly xue kai's birthday...wa lao eh...why never tell us...good la...pang la...just kidding...but then anyway...Happy Belated Birthday yeah? should have told us then we maybe able to at least go get a cake or something mah..hais..haha...nvmd la...anyway...we had a few hard-boiled eggs for our supper as well, but with some "external defects on it"...haha...lucky it is already hard-boiled, if not i think your bag would be full of raw egg...yew...haha...but thanks for the hard-boiled eggs dude...appreciated...nevertheless, after the supper we all went back home and that was the end for our "adventures" for the day...haha...i left the group on the way home first as I was the only one living at a different place from the others, whom they were living in Simei Green...
wow...quite a long story of what happened yesterday...but it really was one of the most memorable days where i can get to see my ex-teachers who had put in their utmost efforts in teaching quite reluctant and wanted to go back to tpss one day soon as well, as next year they will be shifted to a holding school where the former campus will be renovated and upgraded, so technically speaking this will also be the last year where my former tpss campus is still in existence, after that, i will only be able to go back to the holding school to visit my ex-teachers in the few upcoming Teachers' Days to come...haha...well...quite a long post already...haha...guess thats all for the day...till next time...

zooing out... :-)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wee!! :-) (one more day!!) hahas...

nth much happened to day...just had an interesting lecture today about the virtual reality world which mankind may face in the future...hahas...then got to watch a few interesting video clips as well...exciting... :-) so far this block has been quite slacking as compared to the past few blocks...but then again,it will be stressful again not long after...hais...just submitted tutorial 2 today for the subject i am taking now for this block, n here i am slacking,blogging...hahas...
anyway, tomorrow going back to my sec sch le!!! really looking forward to it...=D
are u?? hahas...guess thats all for today...until then...c ya :-)...

signing out =D

Wee!! :-) (one more day!!) hahas...

ps ppl, didn blog ytd coz dun haf e time to, doing tutorial 2 for those of u who noe in my class :-)
yep, todae submitted tutorial 2, so now still left with the group assignment and the last tutorial, tutorial fast...just completed half of the block, now still left with the other half...can still remember what had i been doing at this point in time for the past two blocks...yep..for those of u in my class, those 2 blks r e Art as well as e ivm blocks...for ivm which was e block before e previous one, at this point in time we were doing our assignments 2 n 3, and it was after we got our photos from both CK Tangs and Little India...then for art block which was e previous one, we were doing on our landscape painting of bedok reservoir...but now, this block, here i am slacking,blogging, hahas...code for the day, "time waits for no man" :-)...hahas...sounds "cim" still, its natural that time flies and that no man can stop it...what i can do is to enjoy the moments i have, and to cherish it every now and then,yep,hahas...:-) (so boring, but still, its life,hahas...)

that should be all for the day folks...until then...

signing out =D

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the coming soon Teachers' Day!! :-)

nothing much happened today as well, but it is only that we all know that Teachers' Day is just around the this coming friday yeah?? maybe a bit early to do so, but still, HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY in advance!! =D... have been longing to go back since the start of the new semester, but finally, the day is coming for me to be able to go back to my alma maters again!!yee pee!! hahas, seriously looking forward to this special and interesting day, where can get to see some of my "long-lost friends" yeah?? lol... but coming back, my previous secondary school is going to be teared down soon after this year (last year where i can get to enjoy the last few views of my alma mater :-< ) despite so, those memories and moments which i had soent in my secondary school for those four years will be etched in my mind forever :-) , and not forgetting my fellow teachers and friends back then. So, well yea, just looking forward to going back to my secondary school this coming FRIDAY!! haha... =D
guess thats all for today.

best regards

signing off :-)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

first entry!! :-)


first entry for my newly created should i write...

nothing much happened today, i just went to school to discuss about the group project with my group in the computer lab... just hope that we can finish this project asap as tutorials 2 & 3 will be coming soon as well. Hence, the faster we finish this, the more time we can have for our other tutorials 2 & 3?yup, so gambateh!! :-) hahas

thats all for today, zooming off...