Thursday, September 10, 2009

The harsh nature of the society...

Oh my seriously it has been ages since i last blogged!!omg!!ahahaha...its even longer than the time it takes the earth to rotate around the sun for one complete it??no?never simply means tt it has been more than a year plus plus plus of not sure how much since my last entry in this blog!!

Sadly...the blog today may be quite an emo one as I had finally learnt about the super duper uber cruel, cold-blooded, backstabbing, hypocrites, double-standards, double-faced, and sinister monsters whom I have been facing all these years...oh my may sound quite uncomfortable..what the hell and who does all these don't know about what humanity is all about creatures doing here??!!!like seriously...stop being two-faced to me cos i can see all of your those "flamboyant" and whatever shapes and sizes fox tails all of you got you think i can't tell that what you are doing??do you really take me as a fool??want to know something??just because that i didn't mention or show any signs about it does not mean that i am UNAWARE & IGNORANT about it..FGS (For Goodness Sake) i am the most alert and updated of whatever which is happening around me even if you didn't let me know about it or had told me the other side of the story...or rather..maybe i should put it in this know only 2 ways..but i know about 100 ways of just one matter..and do you know why??because I have been TOO QUIET and all just TOO QUIET so that i can HEAR & OBSERVE & LEARN more about what is really happening..haven't you heard about the chinese saying goes that the outsider is more aware of the incident as compared to the insider??or did you forget about it??or did your teachers didn't even taught you that when you were still in primary school??or did you fall asleep or just turned a deaf ear to your teacher when she wwas teaching about this??or did you EVEN ATTEND PRIMARY SCHOOL??!! like seriously..i know of how to do this "thing" more than you just stop pushing your luck and throw your airs around because i know of every move of yours which is going to come and if i were going to decide to tun the tables around me, these tables would even have hidden compartments which u didn't know about it in the first place and that it would be fatal enough just from one of it..and you know something??sometimes you are so vicious and cunning that you think you can fool me upside down..but if that's what you are thinking...seriously..just buzz off and get lost from this society!!!!!because YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!!!!!and even if you think you are NOT!!!because i am not even sure whether you are a human or not!!!

Feeling a bit better now..sorry those curious and innocent ones whom had to look through this..really soory if this had really spoilt your mood or made your day more emo after looking at all this ...... stuff..but anyway i tin there are still some more ...... inside of me now but just that don't know how to express it in words...wait till i get these words out I may feel much much much better...

Steven =)

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