Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Brand New Year!! =D=D it had been such an uber super duper long long time ago since i last blogged...haha...cos was feeling kind of lazy and didn't had time to so because of having to go to work and rushing projects and assignments back was indeed a year which i had least expected with regards to the ups and downs and stuff...but do you all know something??lol...i can't even feel the year 2008 had passed even as of today...everything just seems so sudden and quick...nonetheless, just by having to judge on you think having an element as time is a positive or a negative thing??haha...well...i am not sure about that as well...and guess what??i had the same feeling last year when i was counting down for the year 2008 from the last day of 2007 on e 31/12/ i could even remember where i was, who i was with and what was i exactly doing during that last second as i was counting down to the brabd new year 0f 2008...and 2008 to seriously...i can't feel anything...though things had passed, hatchets are buried...relationships are strained, are developed, are improved...but i still feel like that there are still so many things which i have yet to do back in it be the same feeling again when i am counting down to the new decade later from 2009 to 2010??lol...i don't know...but all i know is that i will just leave it to the hands of nature as stuff and interaction and etc will happen which will then affect my mindset when it comes to the ending of the i am just tired with work and felt that i ahd not been enjoying and re-charging enough during the holidays for the brand new term to start!!!lol...haha...and sleep time and re-charging moments had been so important to me as after the new term will be...haha...guess those who are in the same course and cohort as me will know...P3 and SIP portfolio everything is really happening so fast and it would then be back to sleepless nights...or rather...sleepy nights but just can't go to sleep due to all the interim submissions during my no matter what happens...i will and i can hang in there as i know i had did it before and i definitely could do it all those out there who maybe feeling the same way as i am feeling now...just cherish whatever reationships, items, stuff, etc deeply and never ever regret in anything which you had by having to complete it you are already a wimmer yourself as you had managed to hang in there and didn't give up at the very last minute even at the moment when you really felt like giving really you could just use that as as your recharger or energy booster or whatever in your own terms and then by looking at that tell yourself the same thing as well when it happens again..."If i had did it before, i definitely could do it again, it is only a matter of wheher i want to do it or not" a bit "cim" yup...ok...guess that's all for now...should be going to bed soon already as i still have to wake up early in the morning tommorow for the student comm session tommorow!!! holidays were really all burnt to in that case...till next time...c yaz!! =D

Zooming off =)

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