Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Enthusiastic or Committment??

today went to school and had a meeting with aida and rest for the Open House 2008...lol...as i need to be there to know what is going to happen on the day itself...nonetheless, gina and i were the OICs for the OH2008...first time to be an OIC for an event...but shall give it my best shot...yea...haha...then came home after that...now i'm start to ponder over these two words..."enthusiastic" and "committment"...well...as i was thinking that the mass number of people joining the SA in the school are because that they just want the "SEAL" points in order to further their studies after their polytechnic education??or just to go and have fun??or to be committed and attend all the meetings and anything that has regards with the CCA...what the...not that i don't like or something...but i just feel that those people who want to join the SA because they just want the SEAL points, or have fun and being enthusiastic in something...then i think that SA is not even the least correct place for them AT ALL!!it's like if they want to have fun or what, they can go to somewhere else to do so...but not ever in SA for goodness sake...it's like by doing so, it's so self-centered and selfish of them, and always to mess up everything and get everybody involved to clean up the mess they had made after that...because why??it's simply because that when they initially joined SA, they were not even "Committed" to it...that's why...being committed to something and being enthusisatic about something is totally different...you maybe cmmitted about something by taking all responsibilities and duties, or even consequences if there are any about it...but you may just be enthusiastic about something by just playing "THAT" part and totally ignore the other aspects of it...to me, i despise and feel shameful to these people around especially when they are even in SA...like ruining the image and destroying everything like that...suck selfish and sickening ...... anyway, just suddenly thought of it and blogged it...and that it's really irritating to me when there are "such" people around especially all the more in......but right now guess that's all so far...so till the next post again...so long...

Signing out...

Monday, November 26, 2007

-_-lll... zzz......

didn blog for yesterday again...lol...well, ytd just went to cousin's house in the afternoon then stayed there and slacked all the way till around 11plus coming to 11.30pm at night then went thome...haha...as it was so bored at home...lol...then today went to see a doctor early in the morning as i had a running nose, sore throat, and some gastric cramps...lol...so sick...and all due to the workload given!!!...argh!!! lol...then went there and it was a crowd there...guess the awkward weather nowadays recently must had gotten most of the people sick as well...lol...so waited for almost half an hour or more for my turn...then it began to rain cats and dogs again...and it was already around 12.40pm plus in the afternoon, where there will be an SA meeting in school later at 1pm...nonetheless, i took a cab to school from there...and luckily i was not late for the meeting then...and that JY go sabo me and gina to be OIC for the Open House 2008 for the Design School on the whole...lol...urgh...u this JY...be prepared not to be spared under my mercy...lol...haha...then after that went to sing at kbox at marina with joe and wc...and even though i was having a running nose and a sore throat, i still went to sing despite it was almost impossible for most of the people...as i didn't want to last minute cancal the outing, if not it would then not be very nice as well...yea...so went to sing until 6pm in the evening then went to PS for RHD crap dinner at LJS...been having LJS for the last couple of days...lol...and i'm still having a sore throat...after that i felt a bit tired and that i would also need to rest well and rest early due o my sickness...and guess what...i would have to recover asap from this sicknesses as i will be going to Malaysia for an overseas hoilday trip with ym family...lol...to get sick at the wrong time....and to get the "full package" as well at one shot...so went home and bathed and had a little of TV, then came online and started to blog...argh...hope that i would really recover from all my sicknesses asap for the overseasa holiday trip which is just the day after??lol...and that i also had not even started to pack up my stuff yet for it...argh...kind of a crappy start for my holidays...and really really seriously hope that it would going to be better holiday for me tommorow...going to rest early and start to pack some of my stuff for the overseas holiday trip...so until the next post again...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Finally...Holidays are here!!!WOO HOO!!! haha... =D

okay...had not been updating since last week or so...yea...lol...that i even forgotten some of the things did...haha...but on the overall, it was quite a tough and strenous block for me...and there will be more to come in the next two blocks right after the vacation block...lol...but that's design...so have to bear with it...i even had to sacrificed my weekends and rejected many "promised" appoinments...lol...seriously felt so bad rejecting it after promising...but to all those whom i had rejected your appointments...tonnes of apologies...but i seriously didn't meant to reject it...as i had a lot of assignments to rush...and that even after i rejected the appointments, i still have to rush my assignments until super duper late at night till the late wee hours...super exhausted after that seriously, and it think that it maybe due to this, that i have been starting to feel uncomfortable and weird symptoms with my body...such as back ache, gastric pains, i had gastric before seriously and it was no joke, vomitted all the acid out of my stomach...and now it is starting to ache again like nobody's business...argh...why has it to be so tough for everything?is it due to the fact that i have too high an expectation for me??or is it just that i am giving myself excuses, and that i do not know how to plan my time well...argh...and right now i am not sure whether my body could take it anymore when the next two blocks "arrive", 3D Art and RHD Project 1...lol...and had even rejected appointments such as birthdays and "primary school" class gatherings...which is like once in don't know how many years to come...argh...and when i'm super duper free...nothing...just nothing...just boredom all the way...urgh...irritating...ut luckily for friday went to watched Kelly Poon's concert at Audi 1 and had a realxed time there...after all the assignments rush...then went to celebrate Chun Kiat's birthday at Bedok Senpang...lol...but by right is Bedok Block 85 la...lol...yea...so went there and had a feast to reward my days and nights of grumbling stomach...lol...have to skip some of the meals as well so as to complete my assignments on time...so had "bak chor mee", stingray, satays and fried oyster there...lol...and the "best" part came when we went thirsty and stayed there from 7plus at night all the way till 12plus coming to 1 in the midnight...lol...when most of my classmates i think whom are catching up with theri sleep already in their comfy rooms...lol...but it was okay...as it was ck's birthday...yea...so the "best" part was that we ordered three cups of sugercane on the whole for most of us...and i meant three cups per person...after finishing one cup, then another cup, and another...lol...so much sugar...argh...no wonder my stomach so pain...lol...so reached home at around 1plus am in the midnight that day, then bathed and slept...today went to queensway with tc and others...bought a wallet there...as my current wallet now has a lot of "big lobangs"...then went to Fortune Centre at Bugis for dinner with grandpa, mum and sis...lol...then went to gradpa's house for a while...and then came back for home sweet home...bathed and watched a little of TV on channel 5...some kind of war battle show...quite cool...then came online and blogged...yea...so that's my day...or rather a summary of my weeks consisting of days...argh what am i talking about...but yea...lol...that's about it...but still feeling pain in my stomach, i think it maybe a relapse or an advanced stage or something for my gastric...lol...but i really hope that it will go off soon...as the piercing pains comes at a few intervals within a day, and the feeling is terrible, unbearable...kay going to sleep and catch up some of my sleep back...and hoping that the pain will seriously go of asap...yea...and till the next poat gain...c ya...

Paining away... :-(

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


sunday, stayed at home for the whole day to finish drawing my challenge 3...lol...and got to sleep late at night at around 12plus...as i was watching some late night TV programme...lol...then got to wake up at 7plus in the morning on the next day and then went to school for class at 9am...lol...but then only had drawing essentials on monday, as eileena will be away for the whole week!!lol...n that means no rendering for us for this whole week as well!!lol...haha...then went to ica later at lavender and got to extend my passport with wc and joe accompanying me...ps for the long hours of waiting...lol...woo hoo!!lol...finally its extended...and which means now i can travel to overseas!!lol...haha...cant wait for the overseas trip after i had extended my passport to Penang in the first week right after the end of the block...lol...haha...but i'm also anticipating for another trip to somewhere further also...as i want to travel overseas in a plane!!lol...the favourite part of travelling overseas to me...lol...nevertheless, i will only be taking a coach bus to Penang for the overseas trip with my family...lol...as they say it's cheaper...lol...coming back...so i got to wait for my turn to extend my passport...whereas wc and joe went to bugis to get a present first for wc's fren...as her birthday is coming according to her...lol...and even after they had finished buying the present, i was still waiting for my turn to extend my passport!!lol...haha...the queue was so long...haha...after that ithen went to bugis and met up with wc and joe and accompanied thm to shop at there for a while...lol...then accompanied wc back to school for her band trial...while i went to the library and borrowed some books for the rendering assignment...tiring day...lol...
today, went to airport in the morning and had a site sketch there for drawing essentials...lol...then got to tour around terminal 3 there...and it was so...super duper cool and intelligent architecture there...lol...i like it very much seriously, especially the spaciousness, clearity and the natural light coming in with the hanging panels above in the ceiling...lol...i think it is so far the most high-tech and cool airport architecture i have seen so far...lol...seriously...you should go and take a look if you have the time...esp for the rhd peeps...lol...(those who are not in the same drawing essentials class as me)haha...you will bound to appreciate it as much as i do...lol...so after that, went to eat at POPEYE at Terminal 2, then went back to the MRT station and sketched, but it was mostly informal and fun pics after that...lol...jump and jump and jump...haha...after that went to bugis again with wc and joe and accompanied them to shop around...met up with sya ltr, then walked to esplanade...super tiring and exhausting walk...my knees and feet were aching me...lol...then came home after that...another exhausting day for me again...but despite we won't be having classes for tomorrow as well as friday...lol...i still have to go back for TP Rawks...zzz...and i bet it's going to be more draing than what i had for the past few days...lol...oh well, guess it's time for me to recharge for another potantially draining day tommorow...lol...hence till then...c ya!!haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


lol...what a "zzz......" day it was...lol...went to my cousin house to pray to my grandma early in the morning...then got to rush to school after that for another SA training for TP Rawks again...lol...after that went home to take the keys to go to my new house at tampines to burn the incense for the day...lol...after that then came to my cousin's house again and online since then...lol...then started to blog now...haha...hais...so boring...and that i still have to do my challenge 3 later as aida wants it to be submitted to her by monday...which is the day after in the drawing essentials class...lol...now feeling bored and a bit of discouraged to do my challenge 3 for drawing essentials...lol...whereas i now feel like more to slack around first...and then to rush it through again tommorow...which in the end i will definitely have to stay up late again to finish it...lol...haha...so guess i'm going to start later after my dinner at my cousin's house then...lol...haha...no choice...haha...and well...guess that should be all for the day so far...lol...haha...so till the next post...so long folks!!haha... =D

Signing out... :-)

Friday, November 9, 2007


so monday went to clarke quay to sketch...then "drag" myself back to school for rendering later...lol...got to learn how to use watercolour in rendering class that day...after that then went back home...and stayed till 4plus to finish thechallenge 1...lol...super tiring and draining...and really got to pull myself up hard from bed on the next day...as i have to wake up early for the morning draing essentials class tomorrow...zzz...next day it was...tuesday...went to school and submitted challenge 1 in class...and it was Farhan's Birthday!!...lol...and i didn know it until at Pizza Hut...lol...ps...but again...Happy 18th Birthday Farhan!!haha... =D so went to Pizza Hut at TM after class to celebrate farhan's birthday...had a "high time" there...lol...but the best was yet to come...lol...then went back to rendering class later and we were taught on how to render with markers...lol...after class, sh and i then went to the library and got to meet up with joe, wc, and adrian...lol...and that was when the "highlight" of the day came...lol..."my anti-gravitational tree", "adrian's crossed-eye" , and wc's rabbit/hamster sound...lol...haha...upon which we all laughed and had a high time there as well...lol...but it was down to work again for me when i reached home...as i had to complete my challenge 2 for the drawing essentials the next day...lol...so again stayed until 3plus then completed my sketch on the elevation of the building for challenge 2...haha...super drained already...seriously...it really felt like i'm going to collapse after drawing another line...lol...then woke up the next day at 7am again...lol...super lack of sleep...haha...and submitted challenge 2 in class later...wednesday, airbrush-ed for rendering and a pile of work for drawing essentials to be completed by the next lesson...argh...zzz...but i was clever enough to have sleep through the whole night upon reaching home later after having my shower and dinner...lol...and re-charged back "some" of my "drained-away" energy...lol...then it was TV for me for a while in the early afternoon on Deepavali...Thursday...fyi, woke up at 1plus in the afternoon on thursday...lol...after TV it was then down to work again for me all the way till 3plus again...then went to bed and woke up today at 7am in the morning again...as usual, the most difficult day for me to wake up in the whole week...some of you may know why...lol...and went to school early today to finish some of the shading for the hands-on-exercises for drawing essentials...today in class, got to learn how to sketch pattern for materials on both elevations and plans...got to be dismissed earlier for today at around 11.20am plus...and then went to ITAS for lunch nad went back to the rendering studio for the continual part of the airbrush for rendering class...finally got to finish it...and finished my marker rendering as well...lol...but now, challenge 3 for drawing essentials, and one rendered interior and one non-rendered exterior...zzz...how i hope that this block's going to end real soon...haha...then it;s going to be holidays!!oh yeah!!haha... =D quite exhausted now...so guess i'm going to tuck into bed early later...lol...tomoorow still must wake up early for SA training in school and go to my ousin's house in the morning at around 11am for something...so till next time...c ya!! =D

Dozing off... :-)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy 18th Birthday Farhan!! =D

First and foremost...Happy 18th Birthday Farhan...didn wished you "Happy Birthday" on that day...ps...so doing so now here...haha...and may all your wishes come true in this upcoming year...lol...had not been blogging for days...as i was super duper ultra tired after days and days of drawing and drawing over and over again on the same things, and even re-drawing some of the stuff which aida didn find it quite right...lol...so for saturday, i went to my new house and did some final touches before i finally move in soon...lol...haha...i really have been anticipating this ever since i moved to Simei...lol...and i shaded some of the rendering stuff there...lol...thought that it would be a breeze for me in shading...however it was not the case...lol...then went home and continued to shade again...so tired can...then had to draw a tree, a plant, and a human for the rendering class the next day...slept at 4 plus on Sunday night...and overslept the next day...that's y i was late for the meet up with wc, vivian, yy, and joe...haha...really ps...as we have to go to clarke quay for a site sketch the next day...lol...haha...ok...going for supper now...so till next time...c ya!! =D

Zooming off... :-)

Friday, November 2, 2007


had been another tiring thursday and friday for me...lol...well for thursday, got to draw some stuff for the hands-on-exercises and presented the powerpoint slideshow on our group research for the rendering class...then got to sketch and sketch and sketch until 5plus in the midnight later...and then slept until 8am only, then got up and had a shower and went to school later for the drawing essentials class...lol...was feeling super duper tired in class...lol...but it only "relapsed" after the rendering class later...lol...where i was still able to "keep it up" for the day for both of the classes...haha...then went to ITAS with sya, wc , and adrian, and had some riddles there which actuall made me "cheered-up" and "energized"...lol...haha...i then went back to the rendering studio for class after that...lol...after class, then went to the library and borrowed a few books on how to sketch plants, trees, and humans...lol...haha...after that, then left for home sweet home with sh's dad fetching me...lol...haha...thx...lol...upon reaching home, then went down and "chilled" with edwin and damian...lol...had been a long time since we last caught up...lol...hope that there will be more to come...lol...then got back home and had my shower then came online and strated blogging...buti guess that should be all for the day...and that i will be turning in for bed after this...lol...really exhausted now...and need to catch up with my sleeping time...lol...hence, till the next post...so long folks!! =D

Signing out... :-)